When is comes to on-line golf,,, rate WGT with a A+... Once it gets into buying your game in equipment and balls... Short of a Casino,,, WGT has ya by the balls,,, and soon becomes a fraudulent product... Note,,, perfectly good shots with ridiculous results that eat your money balls... The best example of pure BS,,, you may maintain a minus 64 average,,, but enter a WGT. Tournament format,,, you bust your butt to brake par... Missing putts from 3 feet in,,, rimming putts,,, or coming up short,,, back spin works beyond the norm here,,, but does nothing there... Shots with winds at your back of plus 10,,, not reaching the clubs distance,,, speed of putts running way by the hole,,, though you played it safe... Whatever your course... you hold a minus 64,,, but repeated play of that course under tournament conditions,,, you'll notice how formatted the outcome becomes... So why anybody who would ever trust a tournament format that cost $$$,,, is a fool... The only satisfaction I get out of the game,,, is playing friendly's with a minimum investment and warning others of the rip off the game becomes at the money level...