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Re: Join A Club

Mon, Nov 30 2015 11:50 PM (7 replies)
  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2015 4:00 PM

    It doesn't matter what club - just join a club !!

    You get to make new friends and play tournaments !!

    The benefits are more than you can think.

    The weekly and monthly tourneys get old quickly, most clubs encourage members to create tourneys and have fun !

    !Request to join a club today !!


  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2015 5:03 PM


    It doesn't matter what club - just join a club !!

    You get to make new friends and play tournaments !!

    The benefits are more than you can think.

    The weekly and monthly tourneys get old quickly, most clubs encourage members to create tourneys and have fun !

    !Request to join a club today !!


    lmao ....... what benefits ?????  putter pal ???  woo hoo .......shot pal ? lmao who cares..... if you need thos , you mite want to wear a  pink tutu like  WGTICON does...  but if  you wan to jon a CC  ,,,join a good one like ... RDG


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2015 6:07 PM

    As Justadick says you can get the wonderful benefits of putter and shot pal depending on the club that allows you to join or you can meet new friends and play other tournaments offered outside of WGT.

    Join a GOOD ONE like RDG !!

    my apologies to anyone at RDG

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 2:21 AM



  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 4:19 AM

    Golf is a social game. What do you do as you trudge from the tee to the brush to the fairway to the bunker to the next tee and so on?  You talk to your companions. And when the round is finished there is a club house and a bar filled with other idiots who want to talk about something other than their home life. If you only play alone, a golf course becomes a form  of  pleasure for a masochist. At WGT it is far far better to play the game with others so that all of your hatred for WGT can be voiced to fellow players.And a CC is the perfect place to find like minded people to play rounds with. Otherwise it is like real golf. You show up and the starter puts you with 3 others with nothing in common other than the fact that they showed up at the course the same time you did. Join a club and play with people you get to know.

  • fadduh
    4,169 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 4:42 AM

    Well said Bypass. Fun is what this game is about and Bad Moon Rising is alot of fun.

    Howlers of all tiers accepted.

    Cheers Community !!!!

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Nov 28 2015 8:30 AM


    As Justadick says you can get the wonderful benefits of putter and shot pal depending on the club that allows you to join or you can meet new friends and play other tournaments offered outside of WGT.

    Join a GOOD ONE like RDG !!

    my apologies to anyone at RDG

    "lmao ....... what benefits ?????  putter pal ???  woo hoo .......shot pal ? lmao who cares..... if you need thos , you mite want to wear a  pink tutu like  WGTICON does...  but if  you wan to jon a CC  ,,,join a good one like ... RDG"


    ...another benefit of RDG, is that you get to improve your grammar and spelling, thanks to "personal tutoring" by Cowboy...oi vey