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Re: Best way to earn credits quickly?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Nov 30 2015 7:21 AM (9 replies)
  • CWBox
    6 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 7:51 PM

    Hello All, I'm new to WGT and would like to know what is the fastest way to earn credits?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 9:45 PM

    Watch videos and do surveys. The other quick way is to buy them.

  • Luciano18
    317 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 9:54 PM

    Best way for us in North America is with the surveys and watch the videos(the rest of the world doesn't get as much opportunity)

    It takes some time but they add up

    Between them you should get enough to keep you in Balls

    I check them out before I play usually - some days I latch onto a couple surveys and it takes about a half hour - but getting 60, 90, or whichever seems worthwhile for myself

    Been fortunate over time that I have not had to put any cash out to buy equipment - and in the time I was waiting to earn enough, well I spent that figuring out different aspects of the game (how the wind affects, putt speed etc)

    I'll add one other thing from my own experience - in our Country Club a member just made Tour Master and has only ever used starter balls

    Or you can buy credits

    Good Luck and welcome aboard


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 9:56 PM

    Vids and surveys give little "free" credits and cost a lot of time.

    Invest some of your real-world income into this leisure activity as you do for other things. WGT is less expensive than a night in town.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 10:17 PM

    A new player will never earn much by playing. Just say you entered a WGT tournament on the front 9 at Kiawah and scored a 30, which would be a good score for an amateur. You just know 50 born agains would shoot 26's. 

  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Sun, Nov 29 2015 10:46 PM


    Vids and surveys give little "free" credits and cost a lot of time.

    Invest some of your real-world income into this leisure activity as you do for other things. WGT is less expensive than a night in town.

    No not really. I make around 450 every 2 or 3 days just during the last half of my lunch hour every night. If I wasn't watching the videos I would just me reading the forums.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 12:12 AM

    Of course my POV is biased by the meager opportunities here.

    I check them out before I play usually - some days I latch onto a couple surveys and it takes about a half hour - but getting 60, 90, or whichever seems worthwhile for myself

    That's less than two Dollars per hour, and you haven't included the additional trouble with surveys - not worthwhile for me I'm afraid.

    @BTB: What is your hourly wage from your "free" credit activity?
    Is it 450 for 3x1/2 hour, some 3 $ per hour?

  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 12:52 AM


    Of course my POV is biased by the meager opportunities here.

    I check them out before I play usually - some days I latch onto a couple surveys and it takes about a half hour - but getting 60, 90, or whichever seems worthwhile for myself

    That's less than two Dollars per hour, and you haven't included the additional trouble with surveys - not worthwhile for me I'm afraid.

    @BTB: What is your hourly wage from your "free" credit activity?
    Is it 450 for 3x1/2 hour, some 3 $ per hour?

    Something like that but the point is if you missed it is if I wasn't  watching the videos and doing the few surveys I would be doing just what I am now.

    Reading and posting on the forums not making anything. You see this time is what I used to spend sitting out in the smoking area smoking not only not making anything but hurting my health as well.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 1:26 AM

    Each to his own...

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Nov 30 2015 7:21 AM

    One option that has not been noted for getting credits is making purchases from some of the advertisers. If there is an item that you intend to purchase, check to see if that vendor has some kind of deal with WGT. I took out a subscription for SI once and got credits. I found an offer for a credit card that supplied credits. Certainly worth investigating.

    When viewing videos, especially the carousel ones, note that you can open additional windows at the same time so that you can watch other videos. Also, it is quite possible to find video offers that can be repeated, sometimes numerous times at one log in. If you want the game to be "free" you have to spend time (which has value only to you) to get the credits necessary to get better (?) equipment. and balls.