Time to admit you totally screwed this game up WGT. First off you split up the wrong players in their respective tiers WAY BACK in Sept. As we all know there are Legends and then there are THE LEGENDS. I realize you can't take the REAL Legends and create a tier for these 15-20 players, having said that, to lump everyone who has a lick of talent in with them is insane. Pro's, Tour pro's, Masters pretty much the same ability depending on how long they have been here, nobody can disagree with that. Right? Now it's my belief there are three groups of legends: The elite Legends, the regular Legends, then last but not least, the legends who had the rug pulled out from under them. Then we have the Tour Masters, now here is where WGT totally and utterly screwed the pooch. This group of players have been delivered into WGT heaven, still get to play master tees and get to have ALL THE BEST EQUIPMENT AND NOW BALLS. If anyone thinks this makes any sense at all I'm listening. This is without a doubt the very best game I have EVER played period end of story. Sorry for my bluster at times, but for rational thinking people these changes are maddening. WGT please listen to your customers, 75% of them are pissed off right now. Sorry in advance for no paragraphs, I tend to treat the forums like I'm firing off an e-mail. Any thoughts? JB