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The Good and The Ugly about this game

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 28 2011 11:06 PM (0 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2011 11:06 PM

    Greetings all

    Here is my views about this game... 

    I'm a TM (61.6 Ave) and for some Legends that is a Cringe

    The new( now old) Tier system works really good now. Before the the big change what was happening was, peoples Ave's would go up and down depending on what they shot. Now, we have to earn the right to go to the next Tier, which is great. I would say alot of the people that got moved to Legends in the change-over was left high and dry and now they are struggling with the game and some of them are taking it out on all of us, cause they wern't ready to move to the nxt level. I do agree with what most of those legends are saying too, but they might not have been ready for Legend Status. I'm close to Legend Status, but having played with/against em, I am far from being a Legend.

    The new Calloway Balls are great..They might be expensive to buy but they last heaps longer than the other ones I was using, which in the long term would be cheaper. The only thing about them is I have change my whole game to get used to the slower meter speed and spin on the greens.

    Well, the meter spikes is a huge problem with everybody. Before I play the game, I do the usual things that everybody tells you to do. Like Clear all the caches, start Game Booster (google it, it's not bad)..kick the dog so he won't All these things are good (except for kicking the dog), It might help, but doesn't fix the problem with the spikes... they are still there, no matter what you do... I know how to fix it, but that's upto WGt  to realise they have a problem now and do something about it.

    The new Payouts for Ready-go Tournys is not good... The other day I shot a 32 at St.A, which is ok, but before I might have got over the 100cr back, instead of 65cr I got. I think, If ya get in the top 2 places and the bottom 2 placess (for 50cr) is good, but if ya shoot a good round of 31, 32.. and only get, say 65-95cr for it...that is pathetic and WGT should go back to old system with payouts!!.

    This game is the best Golf game I have played... Ya just have to get to the first Tee eventually after a long walk (loading issues) and after moving the pointer to which direction ya hitting and go boomm. Other games you buy from the shop, you can change ya stance, change ya grip, it's like putting ya front foot in and left arm out and doing the hokey, but this game, get on the tee..aim..and shoot..Fantastic.

    This game is heaps of fun and to alot of people it's a nightmare...thats the beauty about this game and I will still come back everyday and play it, regardless of problems with everything.(oh, maybe that's the problem...we still come back)...mmm

    Now say that.... if I'm going to spend 100cr in the Ready-Go's and shoot a good score of 31 (I think that's not and only get 65cr back...well I might just have to stop playing them, I suppose and that's sad, cause I like playing em.

