The change in how sandbaggers are advanced in the tiers should help some here. Already in the thread about the new change 2 or 3 sandbaggers have complained about being advanced after winning a match play match.
I just want to say that i am not a sand bagger and never played for credits and never have even finished in the top 50 of any tourney that i know of. I play match play for fun and get beat by everyone. I just purchased new clubs, i was still using beginners until a few days ago, and now I am moved up to master and not able to even enjoy maybe a few under par rounds at tp. Not very fair in my book if you ask me. I play a simple fairway-green-2 putt and let the other person make the mistake. that is how I normally won and not the best winning percentages either. I have played for 3 years now and made a total of 17+post 3-4 of them in the last day because of this happening. Just saying I am one of only a few bringing things to light that this is somewhat unfair, to me, in this case.