Airborne5657: "So what?" Well, I am giving my consecutive day first round to my country club with maximum points being 880. Except when you lose your consecutive days you get to start over. So instead of 1400+ combined points for the game donated, it's only a couple of hundred until I get back to the 880 level.
Again: So what?
Your CC is L13, they got all you possibly need from the "benefits" list, you are to expect nought at L14 and only another grind to L16 where the Big Black Hole of "benefits soon" is waiting for you and your mates.
You buy balls, you buy CC passes, your CC owner honours your efforts - it might be time to wake up and recognise the one and only true relevance of this race of CC XPs:
The benefit of the company.
Airborne5657: I've been ripped off.
Agreed - your superiors have ripped you off when pulling you into this pointless race. Alas, I'm sure that you missed the CDP all by yourself.
Never mind - enjoy the game!