Okay I know I am tough with critique. I wonder how green speed is controlled?
When your sitting there with your cup of coffee lining out the next tourny do you say "Lets make Tourny speed a click lower or higher"? and then laugh and laugh LOL. It's beyond me how some days the ball rolls and rolls and some days you have to really wrap it a good one to get it there? on the same type green speed. I still think more attention needs to payed to this area. And yes for you out there that are thinking...."look at the slope, rise, fall, break, etc..etc..I know how to play golf in the real world and read greens. I know many others have green issues as well and I just wondered how these are controlled. Maybe an indicator that lists "Tournament Fast" or "Tournament Slow" or just use "Slow, Fast or Very Fast " and just remove all other lingo??? Just a thought
Thank you for the great game.