tjos vs MBaggese of Cosa Nostra
tjos wins 2 up. I would like to say how gracious Mike was when after the 6th hole my power went out due to a bad storm in the area.
We set up another time and unfortunately my household had a medical emergency and Mike was left waiting for me to come onto the website but I was a no show so I know he must have thought that I had stood him up.
I contacted him and explained and he was very gracious once again and expressed his concern for my family once he I explained what had happened and we finally set up another date and time.
Thanks Mike, I appreciated your patience and good will.
I was lucky to hang on for the win.
also I forgot to mention that Mike hit the ball to about 2 - 3 inches from the hole on hole #6.
Not sure but I think that's a free sleeve for him.