I'll chime in, yet again, in defense of the deviations. I believe that, with what little control we have over our shots, the deviations must exist for now. Yes it would be great to have the excellent mark mean just that, but with out full control, there would be an even larger separation between the best and the rest. Yes I know, give us the rope to hang ourselves, and thats what i'm getting at. When that rope is supplied, and only then, the deviations should disappear.
Here's my idea of "the rope"
Stance control
Ball placement in the stance
Visible wind gust changes and direction shifts. Eliminate the constant speed and direction.
A more flexible swing meter with a sweet spot that changes with the power that is input. That would give more foregivness for a light, highly controlled short shot, and less foregivness for a 120 percent, knock the cover off the ball tee shot.
This game has a certain implied realism the way it stands right now.
My opinion