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Re: Country Club XP Contributions

rated by 0 users
Fri, Nov 24 2017 10:04 AM (7 replies)
  • ALockerbie
    86 Posts
    Sun, Feb 21 2016 7:10 PM

    Hi there am wondering whats the deal with country clubs. Am a relatively new player. I did join a club initially and then later I got an invite to join a new one. Now I play everyday and am contributing around 800 - 1000 points a day to my club's XP. There are only about 4 members of the club and am trying to understand whats in it for me being the highest contributor. 

    Is there nothing in it for me or should I own my own club?

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2016 11:03 AM


    Hi there am wondering whats the deal with country clubs. Am a relatively new player. I did join a club initially and then later I got an invite to join a new one. Now I play everyday and am contributing around 800 - 1000 points a day to my club's XP. There are only about 4 members of the club and am trying to understand whats in it for me being the highest contributor. 

    Is there nothing in it for me or should I own my own club?

    Hi ALockerbie,

    As you contribute XP to your club, your club will eventually level up. At certain levels, your club gives bonuses to its members such as Putter Pal, Shot Pal, more club Tournaments, ect. So I guess that would be one the benefits of contributing XP to a club. Also, some club owners have been known to give out rewards on certain intervals, like top contributor for the week/month/ect. but that is entirely up to the club owner. Just a few ideas, plus you get free passes so why not use em? :)

    All the Best,

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2016 11:12 AM


    Hi there am wondering whats the deal with country clubs. Am a relatively new player. I did join a club initially and then later I got an invite to join a new one. Now I play everyday and am contributing around 800 - 1000 points a day to my club's XP. There are only about 4 members of the club and am trying to understand whats in it for me being the highest contributor. 

    Is there nothing in it for me or should I own my own club?

    "about" 4 members?...there are exactly 5 members as of this post...but, nws...higher math gets me now and again also.

    What's in it for you?...a sense of contributing to the overall goals of the club, whatever they may be. That is why people join CC' be part of something. I provide my CC with the free passes every time they are offered. Most other players do the same. Some even buy passes to donate to their CC. Aside from what ShamWow posted, any other tangible benefit is debatable (especially during clash events), but free passes are no matter.

    Edit:  I kept my response specific to XP points as that seemed to be the thrust of your question.  But Alosso's post expands beyond that, and he is exactly right.  I strongly recommend you read and understand what he is saying.  I also agree with Flares, that Craven Dale is a good CC if you find yourself unhappy with your current situation.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2016 2:21 PM

    Read WGT's post above as an ad - it reflects their interests more than your's.

    IMHO and as a long-established CC owner, this whole "passes and points" business should be of secondary relevance in any CC. To be honest, we are beyond it.

    First of all, a CC is a social place where players meet and have fun together, playing, talking and whatnots. It should be the bond to be reliable partners in this virtual world, virtual friends, supporting each other, sharing the fun in the games regardless of wins and losses. (edited)

    Being active in an active CC - to me - means to play a plenty, to communicate in the forum and via external means (Skype, TeamSpeak, IRC...) - then, the use of passes to accumulate points comes all by itself.

    Unfortunately, since the introduction of the costly points and passes, small CCs need the resulting levels to a certain extent if they want to grow. Look at the "benefits" section in the CC area of the game client to see what they get, e.g. the benefit in member numbers. OTOH and IMNSHO, there's no need to push and priorise this subject more than necessary, because, at some point, it's only to the company's advantage and not to your's.

    In your immediate situation, you might want to decide if your CC gives to you what you want. If not, try to change it or try out another. Before starting your own CC, be aware that you will be the motor from zero rpm - it's a whole lotta work!

    Anyway, have fun!!

  • FATTY501
    9,445 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2016 4:14 AM


    Contact "Fatty501" and see if the Cravens have any places-left.

    See what you've been missing.



    Thank you for the recommendation x

  • Semaj065
    18 Posts
    Thu, Nov 23 2017 8:41 PM

    I don't understand the XP contribution. I have been using every CC pass for a month & I've only contributed a little over 7700. Color me stupid but that math doesn't add up. Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes I play tournaments (not always CC tornaments), sometimes I play 3 -9 hole matches. Does it matter what tournaments I play or if I play matches? Frustrated!!!

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Nov 24 2017 10:04 AM


    You are a member of a L15 CC, where XP contribution is irrelevant IMHO. Ask your CC owner what he thinks of "contribution".

    To answer your questions:

    Observe the XP summation for the games. The CC pass will give at least the same amount of XPs to your CC that you get.

    XPs vary widely
    - according to the type of game you play, and
    - depending on CDP or not CDP (Continuous Day Bonus)

    There are basic points for each type of game, awarded at completion, and you get one XP per stroke, immediately.

    CTTH and Blitz give the least amount,

    strokeplay give more, with a premium on tournament play.

    Multiplayer games may add a few XPs but there is always a risk of disconnect or other reasons to fail completion, which means a loss of the basic XPs. I advise against the use of CC passes in such games.

    CDP rises steadily from day to day - at some point (after perhaps ten days), it's the major factor to XPs. It's awarded with your first stroke in any game.

    In your situation, my two Pfennigs are, "never mind!"