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Re: The rules for advance to better tiers

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 7 2016 10:41 AM (4 replies)
  • mkop
    1 Posts
    Sat, Mar 26 2016 1:42 PM

    What are the rules for advance to a better tie.

    Im playing as a Master, and get the message "lower your average score to advance to Tour Master"

    I can see that my average score is lower than most of the players who already are Tour Masters, why that?




  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Mar 26 2016 2:46 PM

    You have long fulfilled the min number of scores of 40, now you must lower your average to 63.00.

    At TM, your average calculation will be reset. Then, it's well probable to have a higher average for a start.

  • TinysTeeShot
    1,513 Posts
    Sun, Mar 27 2016 2:28 AM


       You need to play at least 5 ranked rounds as hack to saturate before reaching Amateur.
      When your average score is equal or smaller than 100 you go from Hack to Amateur.

        You need to play at least 10 ranked rounds as amateur to saturate before reaching Pro.

      When it is equal or smaller than 80 you go from Amateur to Pro..

        You need to play at least 20 ranked rounds as Pro to saturate before reaching Tour Pro.

      When it is equal or smaller than 72 you go from pro to Tour Pro.

       You need to play at least 25 ranked rounds as Tour pro to saturate  before reaching Master.

      When it is equal or smaller than 67 you go from Tour Pro to Master.

        You need to play at least 40 ranked rounds as Master to saturate before reaching Tour Master.

      When it is equal or smaller than 63 you go from Master to Tour Master.
      You need to play at least 50 ranked rounds as Tour Master to saturate before reaching Legend.

      When it is equal or smaller than 61 you go from Tour Master to Legend.

        You need to play at least 500 ranked rounds as Legend to  saturated ( average stops going up ) before reaching Tour Legend. 
      When it is equal or smaller than 60 you go from Legend to Tour Legend.

       You need to play at least 200 ranked rounds as Tour Legend to saturate ( average stops  going up ).
      When it is equal or smaller than 60 you go from Tour Legend to Champion.

       You need to play an additional 200 ranked rounds as Tour Legend before reaching Champion.

      You need to play another 200 ranked rounds as a Champion to saturate ( average stops going up ).

       You need to play an undisclosed number of additional rounds and receive an exclusive personal invitation before reaching Tour Champion.

  • TSSparky72
    985 Posts
    Thu, Apr 7 2016 8:30 AM

    This information is very useful, thanks.  Only been playing for a couple of months but see that I have a long way to go.  A whole new appreciation for those of you that made it past the Tour Master tier to Legends and higher.  That is dedication.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Apr 7 2016 10:41 AM

    How often will this be copied incorrectly????

       You need to play at least 200 ranked rounds as Tour Legend to saturate ( average stops  going up ).
      When it is equal or smaller than 60 you go from Tour Legend to Champion.

       You need to play an additional 200 ranked rounds as Tour Legend before reaching Champion.

      You need to play another 200 ranked rounds as a Champion to saturate ( average stops going up ).

       You need to play an undisclosed number of additional rounds and receive an exclusive personal invitation before reaching Tour Champion.