Is five pointers enough for a start?
1) Only top equipment opens the path to top results. Do it with better equipment, starting from a 64° wedge but including each and every slot of your inventory. 10,000+ credits inevitable for this goal. While shopping, drop the Hybrid and
select three wedges.
2)Think strategic - "course management". There are good spots (mainly on the greens) and bad spots to be. Choose the former.
(Argl - same old spelling mistake between lose and choose)
3) Avoid repetition of your mistakes . Make notes of each approach and of the
other relevant shots, read the tips in the forums, do some calcs before your shots
! and putts !
4) Seek advice. Enter a CC with many active and high profile players,
join their games, ask them,
5) Banalities: play more 9 holers for better score chances, play less Par3s & Par5s because they don't count. Play daily and play tournaments for more XPs
to access the top clubs.