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Re: Plateau--like real golf

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 28 2016 12:54 AM (4 replies)
  • Mondo55
    1 Posts
    Sun, Mar 27 2016 10:07 PM

    Hi. I'm a member since 2008, Master level 91, avg score 65. I can't for the life of me understand how those folks who shoot in the 50s all the time do it. Any pointers?



  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Sun, Mar 27 2016 10:46 PM

    OK - Here you go...        Next please!!


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Mar 27 2016 11:57 PM

    Is five pointers enough for a start?

    1) Only top equipment opens the path to top results. Do it with better equipment, starting from a 64° wedge but including each and every slot of your inventory. 10,000+ credits inevitable for this goal.  While shopping, drop the Hybrid and
    select three wedges.

    2)Think strategic - "course management". There are good spots (mainly on the greens) and bad spots to be. Choose the former.

    (Argl - same old spelling mistake between lose and choose)

    3) Avoid repetition of your mistakes . Make notes of each approach and of the
    other relevant shots, read the tips in the forums, do some calcs before your shots
    ! and putts !

    4) Seek advice. Enter a CC with many active and high profile players,
    join their games, ask them,

    5) Banalities: play more 9 holers for better score chances, play less Par3s & Par5s because they don't count. Play daily and play tournaments for more XPs
    to access the top clubs.

  • xxxdgxxx
    3 Posts
    Mon, Mar 28 2016 12:54 AM


    Hi. I'm a member since 2008, Master level 91, avg score 65. I can't for the life of me understand how those folks who shoot in the 50s all the time do it. Any pointers?



    you can only do great if you are an actual WGT AGENT......... otherwise they will give you a(n) good(average) score just long enough to give you the illusion that this is a great game so that you will purchase some equipment, then they will use algorithms to steal ur balls and  make ur shots go the opposite of what u intended....... the ones who have told the truth about WGT and the fraud / theft are no longer on here cause wgt kicked them off to the curb.......

    my advice is to never invest in a game in which that game controls the outcome of the game.

    now let the wgt shills ring in...


  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Mon, Mar 28 2016 1:54 AM


    Is five pointers enough for a start?

    1) Only top equipment opens the path to top results. Do it with better equipment, starting from a 64° wedge but including each and every slot of your inventory. 10,000+ credits inevitable for this goal.  While shopping, drop the Hybrid and
    select three wedges.

    2)Think strategic - "course management". There are good spots (mainly on the greens) and bad spots to be. Chose the former.

    3) Avoid repetition of your mistakes . Make notes of each approach and of the
    other relevant shots, read the tips in the forums, do some calcs before your shots
    ! and putts !

    4) Seek advice. Enter a CC with many active and high profile players,
    join their games, ask them,

    5) Banalities: play more 9 holers for better score chances, play less Par3s & Par5s because they don't count. Play daily and play tournaments for more XPs
    to access the top clubs.


    6) it all comes down to putting. Work on making your putts. You can't shoot in the 50's if you 2 putt  more greens than you 1 putt. And get the best putter you can afford. Getting a better putter might not make you a better putter but it will help.