Actually, he does not...
The only people that do know are in the WGT offices... As this number relates to revenue via ads and whatnot, I am guessing that WGT is not going to be forthcoming with the information any time soon.
Remember, there is TOTAL ACCOUNTS and ACTIVE ACCOUNTS... If I were a betting man, I would bet the Sales staff at WGT talks TOTAL ACCOUNTS to the Advertisers, even though I have a feeling the actual ACTIVE ACCOUNTS would be a much much smaller number, perhaps less than 20%.
Also, don't forget DELETED/DISABLED ACCOUNTS.. they are still on the books. The only thing is that the person who was originally responsible for them can no longer utilize them.
Oh yea, we can't forget the MULTIPLES, too...
So, total unique account holders currently active and playing... my guess is 8-10% of TOTAL ACCOUNTS, if even that high.