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Re: Save replay in multiplay mode

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 25 2011 7:46 AM (4 replies)
  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Tue, Feb 22 2011 2:30 AM

    We want to do that. Is there any specific reason why it's not possible?

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Feb 22 2011 5:09 AM

    If memory serves me, prior reasons given by WGT involve holding up game play with the other players and not affecting the meter by adding more stuff.

    The "Save Replay" feature in single play involves all the rigmarole to name the replay, scroll thru the existing list, delete an existing replay, etc....

    In multi-player, all players see essentially the same screens right now. With exceptions for the player who is making a shot, and the concede putt thing.

    I can see how complicated it would be to have one player saving their replay, with all the rigmarole pop-up screens and whatnots, while the multi-player game continues with the other one, two or three players.

    What does seem possible to me is a different feature I'll call "Send Replay".

    Using the existing "Instant Replay" feature, the player who hits the shot gets a Send Replay? button on their screen during the replay.  When clicked, the link to the replay is e-mailed to the player.

    How about "Send Replay" as a feature during any Multi-Player game WGT??


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Tue, Feb 22 2011 5:38 AM

    Or simply a "Save Replay of last shot" button that automatically names the replay "2011-02-22 14:37  Tightrope St Andrews hole 7 shot 2" without any popups, view replay options or anything. 

    I get terribly bored playing single play so almost all shots worth saving is in multi mode.


  • Carden
    50 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2011 7:29 AM


    If memory serves me, prior reasons given by WGT involve holding up game play with the other players and not affecting the meter by adding more stuff.

    In multi-player, all players see essentially the same screens right now. With exceptions for the player who is making a shot, and the concede putt thing.

    How about "Send Replay" as a feature during any Multi-Player game WGT??


    Has this been re-considered since this OP?

    I just hit my first ever hole-in-one, in a multi-player game and would love to have been able to save it. It was a straight in "no net" shot, on St. Geos #6. The other player even tried to help me find an option to do just that and took a "time expired" willingly, to do so.

    Just curious. Didn't want to start a new thread on an old subject. Thanks

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Mon, Jul 25 2011 7:46 AM

    First off, congrats on your first hole in one.  I don't think it's been re-considered since by WGT, but I have seen multiple threads on it.  I do believe it's on product suggestion list, but I'm not sure. I hope it is added, as that would be nice.