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Re: Does WGT need to be fine tuned?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 17 2016 10:58 AM (5 replies)
  • Robert00100
    4 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 11:36 AM

    Hello Again Everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone else have been getting, jitter/light pausing while playing WGT?

    I have been trying to figure out what might be causing it, but just can't seem to figure it out.

      I  have looked at the Flash tester that was posted and I am using the new updated version for flash, and related Adobe products, And out of three tests ( W7, IE 11 ) I have scored above17000. Running regular browser or 64bit didn't seem to make any significant difference. Nor using my power option of Balanced or High Performance. Also tried the software rendering and/or GPU rendering and no big change there either, so basically I am back to Stock/Default settings.

     Still I am having a great time with WGT just wondering what might be causing these little pauses/hiccups at times, and the only other thing I could see that might be causing it are those little banner ads. A times it seems that the banner ads are fighting for screen time to load while game data is trying to load as well.

    Does anyone else notice this? If so does WGT just need to be fine tuned for the browser or maybe if anything can be done to lighten up on the ads while playing the course.

    Cheers, Robert


    Oh...Wait.... 4:00 Tee Time :)




  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2016 11:27 PM


    Hello Again Everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone else have been getting, jitter/light pausing while playing WGT?

    I have been trying to figure out what might be causing it, but just can't seem to figure it out.

      I  have looked at the Flash tester that was posted and I am using the new updated version for flash, and related Adobe products, And out of three tests ( W7, IE 11 ) I have scored above17000. Running regular browser or 64bit didn't seem to make any significant difference. Nor using my power option of Balanced or High Performance. Also tried the software rendering and/or GPU rendering and no big change there either, so basically I am back to Stock/Default settings.

     Still I am having a great time with WGT just wondering what might be causing these little pauses/hiccups at times, and the only other thing I could see that might be causing it are those little banner ads. A times it seems that the banner ads are fighting for screen time to load while game data is trying to load as well.

    Does anyone else notice this? If so does WGT just need to be fine tuned for the browser or maybe if anything can be done to lighten up on the ads while playing the course.

    Cheers, Robert


    Oh...Wait.... 4:00 Tee Time :)




    Simple solution called Adblock or Adblock+ = no ads. The only ads that seem to bypass Adblock are the Lexus ads during the VUSO.


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Apr 16 2016 8:45 AM

    I find it amazing that after only 5 days of being here you are posting such an in depth thread about the games performance . The fact that you even knew how to find and post in the forums in itself is no easy task . Since the game is really not user friendly navigation is at times a task that requires a good amount of time to learn .

    Use the search box >>>>>> and you will find all the answers that you need to fine tune your system but of course you already know that dont you .

  • Robert00100
    4 Posts
    Sat, Apr 16 2016 8:42 PM


    Not sure how in depth it is, and the Forums didn't seem hard to post to, and I'm not getting any  real serious issues that I want to stop playing, just voicing my observations really.

    It's a pain though to have these hiccups during a put or a drive on occasion,so if there was anything I could do on my end to make the game run even smooter I would do it, but again it's nothing too serious that I want to quit.

    Thanks for the replies thus far,  Robert

    " May The Wind Be Always At Your Back "


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Apr 17 2016 9:38 AM



    Not sure how in depth it is, and the Forums didn't seem hard to post to, and I'm not getting any  real serious issues that I want to stop playing, just voicing my observations really.

    It's a pain though to have these hiccups during a put or a drive on occasion,so if there was anything I could do on my end to make the game run even smooter I would do it, but again it's nothing too serious that I want to quit.

    Thanks for the replies thus far,  Robert

    " May The Wind Be Always At Your Back "

    Greetings Robert !

    I am a complete stupnagal when it comes to computer inner-workings. But, I am always aware of tiny malfunctions that attack me. But they have always (7 years) behaved like a game of musical chars in  rotation , sort of like "here today, gone tomorrow". No one is able to not notice them but they have a habit of departing before one is able to report or post the situation. These pin-pr!cks are always short least with me.

    ~ Lily ~



  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Apr 17 2016 10:58 AM

    The swing meter plays on your computer, not on WGT's servers.

    If the CPU in your computer is busy doing processing tasks in the background other than playing the swing meter the swing meter could pause and be jerky. If your CPU is running hot, and some computer power options settings could also cause a less than smooth meter.

    How you configure Flash Player settings can also cause a less than smooth meter.

    Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer