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Re: Ruler adequate to length of stroke.

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 27 2011 9:32 AM (3 replies)
  • MangeBj
    6 Posts
    Fri, Feb 25 2011 3:29 PM

    It is no fun to have a 150 feet ruler and a 19 feet putt. Set the ruler to no more and double the sshot.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Sun, Feb 27 2011 8:26 AM


    It is no fun to have a 150 feet ruler and a 19 feet putt. Set the ruler to no more and double the sshot.

    I'm assuming you were putting off the fringe. If you use a mouse scroll down a bit to 30 foot. On the far left of the meter there is a little arrow. Click on the one pointing down until it says 30 feet.

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Sun, Feb 27 2011 9:22 AM



    It is no fun to have a 150 feet ruler and a 19 feet putt. Set the ruler to no more and double the sshot.

    I'm assuming you were putting off the fringe. If you use a mouse scroll down a bit to 30 foot. On the far left of the meter there is a little arrow. Click on the one pointing down until it says 30 feet.

    Or use your mouse wheel to scroll to desired scale. A word of advice though, DON'T putt from the fringe, sooner or later it will cost you a stroke/whiff!

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Feb 27 2011 9:32 AM

    A word of advice though, DON'T putt from the fringe, sooner or later it will cost you a stroke/whiff!

    Just use a higher putting scale, and adjust your feet of power accordingly. Using a higher putting scale may not be the way the game was designed to play a fringe-putt, and some have said it could be a bug, but it will save a whiffed shot and give a player a chance for their birdie without whiffing.