I know this is a totally different angle at a simlair problem, but as im sure you aware once being a master yourselfs long time ago credits aren't easily makeable for everyone, and asmuch as i agree there should be real prize and credit prizes avalible my problem is if your going to have credits pay it out better especially the lower tiers ;-)
me i just dont like the way in a master ready go you get 4000 credits shared between 30 people yet in the monthly comps that its 47500 paid out between 3 people, surely if your going to drop "real" prizes and are going to pay out credits surely you could cut the 1st prize down and payout more places especially in the lower tiers like master where im sure 5000 credits would make a big difference to most masters or below
1st 5000
2nd 4500
3rd 4000
4th 3500
5th 3000
6th-10th 2500
11th-20th 1250
Plus more like me are likely to play as we have a better chance of winning some credits to get our callaways with ;-) plus if i did have a dream round and won i could still but 60 callaways ;-)
Just my thoughts