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Re: Shot Meter Jitters

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 24 2016 2:35 PM (4 replies)
  • MikeMulligan2010
    5 Posts
    Mon, May 23 2016 6:07 PM

    WGT you have a great game on line.  I really enjoy playing people from around the world, but get it together man!  Lately I've had to reset almost every game because the shot meter was jumpy.  The most frustrating part of resetting a game is when the game is lost completely and you lose your club pass!  I have checked online for fixes and found one that helped a little;  It called for deleting stored items in flash player.  Now I'm back to the same old problem,,,,  HELP!

  • Fencer100
    2,064 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2016 2:03 AM

    There are many and varied reasons why you could be getting a "jumpy" meter and many of us have spent time changing things about to cure this.

    Let me add you NEVER get a 100% smooth meter, just too many variables to get that !!

    Here is what I have done

    Changed my browser to one that suits my system and WGT. I use this browser exclusively for WGT and NOTHING else. I use Maxthon, I as many others find this the best for WGT, but all systems are different and you may need to experiment a little.

    Shut all other tabs and programs down when I am on WGT

    After every game I reboot the browser

    I run ccleaner through every day and sometimes more often.

    There are other things I do, but try the above first, I'm sure it will help. I also have no doubt that others will offer other suggestions. My best advice is to try them and see what works.

    Good Luck

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2016 9:25 AM



    What Fencer said generally applies. Dedicated browser + clean system is always what I recommend. For me, it's firefox, for others it could be something else.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2016 9:35 AM

    Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer

    If the game freezes or you're disconnected and lose a CC Pass, contact Customer Support and explain the circumstances.

    When there is an issue (freeze/disconnect) I always right click on the screen and send WGT tech a Trouble Report before I attempt to re-start the game.

    It's only after I'm not able to re-start that I send CS a message explaining the sequence of what happened, that I submitted a Trouble Report, what I did to try to recover, and request the lost CC Pass and lost ball hits be replaced.


  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Tue, May 24 2016 2:35 PM

    One that doesn't get mentioned as often is to make sure your video card drivers are up to date. Many manufacturers have a sign up, so that you get an email notification of any updates.

    A few years ago, this was the fix that I needed. I felt like a bonehead when I finally figured it out.