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Re: Meter Speed: Clubs + balls

Fri, May 27 2016 3:47 PM (14 replies)
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  • TorstenKammerer
    48 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2016 8:26 PM

    Logical conclusion yes, but i am sure this dose not get you far on WGT.

    The standard Putter has a meter speed of 5, so any putter bought is likely to be quicker.

    So the question is how much worse is that shiny new Putter.

    Often needs a Ball with some meter Points to tame it.

    Slower is not always better, i find a overall faster speed is often more consistent, less choppy and easier to ding.

    Takes some experimenting what speed works best for you.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2016 9:04 PM

    That is more dependent on your computer  and how well it and the browser you use work with flash.

    Or the most likely culprit is,  what ads are loading in the background during gameplay.  Even when the gameclient is the only window open!

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2016 9:04 PM

    That is more dependent on your computer  and how well it and the browser you use work with flash.

    Or the most likely culprit is,  what ads are loading in the background during gameplay.  Even when the gameclient is the only window open!

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 1:53 PM

    If I have a putter, that has a meter speed of 4.5, and a ball that has a meter of 4.0

    The speed total of both is 8.5 - very slow

    If it was a starter ball it would be 4.5 + 0 = 4.5 - moderate

    This is good for a relative comparison but it's certainly not absolute.

    If you fix one item between club and ball and vary the other, "slow + slower" should contain some truth, but different materials resulting in 8.5, like 4.5+4 compared to 3.5+5 will not act the same.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2016 3:47 PM


    This is good for a relative comparison but it's certainly not absolute.

    If you fix one item between club and ball and vary the other, "slow + slower" should contain some truth, but different materials resulting in 8.5, like 4.5+4 compared to 3.5+5 will not act the same.

    Thanks, it's seems to be an important consideration in this game.

    Also, I think one of the 'mods' or pros recommended that a player should clear out cache, etc. when switching different balls and/or switching to different equipment. Good idea.

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