The OP claims a master's degree in psychology. He wants to write nasty things on a virtual profile page about a virtual person he met on a virtual website...and whom he "really, really, really, really despises"?
The strict answer to his question is that I have seen umpteen examples of this done. So, even if against the rules, certainly not well enforced. Obviously more concerning issues in play
Just quit trying to bicker with ppl here man, what's your beef with me? They had to clean up the "Security Sweeps" forum because you're attempting to tango verbally, that will not end well. You will always lose, I'm a linguistic iconoclast!
"can i curse someone out on my profile?"
Firstly, you have no idea why the thread was scrubbed...unlike you, I'm not arrogant enough to think my posted observations had anything to do with it.
Secondly, I'm not bickering with "people"...your "Masters in Psychology" solution to isolating someone you dislike, is to write defamatory remarks about him on your wall? This grade school mentality may result in serious damage to anyone seeking your professional's a bit concerning.
btw, is repeating "really" four times in a row, proof of your linguistic prowess?