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Re: modify lost ball

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Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:21 PM (8 replies)
  • anygimmick
    172 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2011 12:05 PM

    I know that it is important to not hit an errant shot and lose a ball. Some of us live in states where we are unable to pay to play and therefore win credits, so we must pay for everysingle ball we have. Why not let us keep a ball when we hit the weeds but penalize the durabilty by a percentage amount or subtract strikes from that ball. I understand you have to make money and you do that by selling advertising, clubs, balls, etc. But show me anywhere on the pro tour or anywhere else that they don't look for a ball or find it and proceed to drop. Only here do you automatically lose your ball permently. Would love to hear what others think about this.

  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2011 7:03 PM

    Absolutely 100% agree. Nothing ruffles my feather more, than seeing a "brand new" ball trickle slowly into the shrubs and have it declared lost WITH a 1 stroke penalty to boot. Most times (90%), it's completely my fault and accepted. But I'm really starting to question why I have the most frequent meter skips with hazards to the right. Kiawah #17-water, St.Andrews #4-that dang lil shrub. By "skip", I mean, I click just left of ding to avoid "trouble" and meter Porky Pigs itself 5-6 bars late, then engages. Just hard to understand when every other hole, the meter is, and I use the term loosely.... manageable.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2011 7:26 PM

    With all these lost balls on the courses it is rather strange that we never find any.

  • Randellpoet1
    37 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 4:32 AM

    Yes I agree! First of all some of my lost balls are due to problems with the meter. Many of my other lost balls are not lost, Here are some examples,,,On St. A's 4th hole I hit into the bushes on the right side of the fairway and despite the fact I could see right where the ball stopped it was considered lost. In real life, given the economy and the price of the good balls, I would have gotten the ball. I wouldn't mind losing a stroke even but it is ridiculous to lose the ball. On St, A's 17th I hit past the green and onto the cart path and could even see the ball but this was called "out of bounds" and I lost the ball. This is not realistic at all. If I was really there I could have walked over and retrieve my ball.  I can understand if the ball goes into the water but I have dug through some thick brush in real life to retrieve a ball. It should also be considered as I mentioned before that some if not most of the balls I lose are because the meter isn't working right. I shouldn't have to lose a ball (money) because of a glitch in the system. I contacted customer service about these issues and they said to post here to ask to get this "lost ball" policy changed. I hope they read this and see the fact that there are situations where a "lost ball" isn't really lost.

  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 4:52 AM

    This is supposed to be a realistic golf game, right?   Well WGT, I've been playing Real Golf since 1972 and I have never lost a ball in the weeds or Out of Bounds.    There have been times In the weeds, that I have not found My Ball, but have found other balls.     And No One likes losing a ball due to your software glitches.     So you all need to change your policy on Lost Balls.     

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:12 AM

    i played golf in arizona and used to dig through cholla cactus to get my ball, even 3 or 4 balls that someone didnt want to look for. isnt that what a 2 iron is for? 


  • mrsancho
    253 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:41 AM

    Funny thing is when its a WGT problem they should fix, they avoid the forum ! lol

  • Boots89
    42 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 10:41 AM

    I agree no more lost Ball As I use Callaway 80-100 a ball an i don't think WGT cares about the meter Problems or they would FIX IT.

  • anygimmick
    172 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:21 PM

    I started the thread and I must say I was hoping it would be a bit more constructive. Kinda like hey why not take 10% off an out of bounds ball, and 25% off a water ball. I understand making money by buying product, they wouldn't be in buisness if you couldn't make money. Product suggestion threads are for constructive ideas and not just a place to air your complaints. WGT I assume follows threads that give them good feedback. Meter glitches are a server problem not game code and need to be addressed in the game problem format. I understand writing algorithms and percentage numbers in the mathmatical equation for such so I know the numbers can be written into the program and worked out in the code to accomadate such. Was just hoping to see more ideas on how to resolve an end user improvement. Hate that it turned into a **** session.