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Re: First time out today

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Thu, Mar 17 2011 12:15 PM (8 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,680 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 4:29 AM

    This afternoon I got out to the course for the first time this year. It's just a 9 hole par 3 course. There is a full size 18 hole course that shares the city park with it but at this time the less expensive par 3 course is all that I can afford. I did reasonably well for the first time out. 6 pars and 12 bogeys. I wasn't  really hitting the ball well but my short game saved me many times over. I had one chip in for a par and another to save bogey. And I made 4 quite long par saving putts and one very long bogey saving putt. 

    But what really made the day was that this is the first time in almost a year after falling off of a machine at work and hurting my hip and ankle rather severely  that I was able to play golf with no pain. The pain was so bad last summer that at times I did the unthinkable and quit without finishing. So hopefully this coming summer I'll get to play a lot more than last year. Both on the par 3 and the full 18. And at least once this summer I want to go out at night and play the par 3 under the lights. I've never played on a lighted course before and just want to see how it is. 

  • wildcat18racing6
    420 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 6:13 AM

    Still snow on the ground here, golf is at least a good month or more away for me. Was so busy with the race car last year, that i only got to play once last year. this year i dont have alot to do to the car (unless i crash it) so i will be able to get out a few times this year

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 6:38 AM


    This afternoon I got out to the course for the first time this year...

    Good to hear you got out there, b2b. I'm hoping to be able to try out my "newfound WGT knowledge" (mainly, better course-management awareness) on a few local courses this Spring - when it finally arrives.

    I haven't been on a course (or even a driving range, for that matter) for a couple years due to a work injury, arm surgery, and two subsequent "PT injuries" to both shoulders... so I'm REALLY anxious to get over my shoulder problems and get out there and REALLY whack a few.

    I know it might be too early to tell, but did you find that "playing" here on WGT helped ya any... on the REAL course, I mean?

    GL this summer! :)


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 6:44 AM

    I'm hoping to be able to try out my "newfound WGT knowledge" (mainly, better course-management awareness) on a few local courses this Spring - when it finally arrives.

    A contractor buddy that stops by regularly has seen my addiction to this game and asked me once if it helped my real game. My answer was exactly what you said, Pug. I've never really paid serious attention to course management IRL, generally happy to hack along. This game has changed that mentality for me.   :-)

  • borntobesting
    9,680 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2011 10:11 AM

    Well there is not a lot of course management needed on that par 3 course. the 2 out of the 3 holes that have ditches running across the fairway pose no problem unless you hit an awful shot. The other hole is the only hole over 200 yards and the ditch is like 170 off the tee. With my advancing age I know I can't hit the green from 220 with even my driver so that is the only hole where course management is needed. I just take my 1 iron and  just punch it just short of the ditch and use one of my 4 wedges to pop it on the green and hope to make the putt for a par. 

  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:48 PM

    I gotta give you kudos or something for using a 1-iron.  They've gone sadly out of style anymore.

    Ironically, my easiest ever eagle has come out on the real course.  Put a 3-wood from over 200 yards away and uphill over a creek to about 6 inches directly behind the hole.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 10:29 PM

    Great news Born.

  • LST1142
    127 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 11:30 AM

    2pm and after i post this im going to my course( southington golf course, was forest oaks) and see if my cart will start and im bringing my clubs to hit a few. Then im running to duck creek in newton falls where i was offered a cheaper membership to check it out tho, ive played it many times.

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 12:15 PM

    Im hoping I atleast get  course management out of all the wgt i played this winter


    But am concerned of what my own meter glitch will turn out to be......ass cache gas or seizure.


    Sure its going to be a humbling experience