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Re: High ding rate = cheating?

Sat, Dec 31 2016 5:26 PM (437 replies)
  • HittyHard
    775 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2016 10:06 AM

    Wow. This thread took well over an hour to read. Like a good book, I couldn't put it down.

    Great captivating start, plenty of action in the middle but ultimately..............fizz, plop.

    It's an hour I will never get back. And I can't remember the punchline.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2016 8:56 PM

    "I've got a story ain't got no moral..."

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2016 5:28 AM

    Well that was all just to amusing to read, most of it from the wgt/tg perspective.. nonsense... good lord.

    Ding rate? As if that is the number one component to low scores, certainly not. 

    One would think that someone who's as good a player as Tom is, and I assume somewhat intelligent, would be able to figure out that "hey maybe I should dial the macro to a timing just under the 'ding' so as to not set off any alarms?"  

    Do you really think, even if he had the patience to do so, he would have it hitting the 'ding' at an idiotic percentage? Really? 

    This would be of course if he was using something, which he said he wasn't so I'm stating a 'what if' scenario there.... 


    As everyone knows, missing the ding by one bar on /drives approaches and even putting is almost preferred, as I've been shown it's an effective way to counter wind and work with the idiotic break algo's on greens now. Missing the ding by one bar will not have a massively negative outcome on a shot, in fact it often improves the shot.

    We've all seen that hitting the ding in heavy winds is often a disaster, missing by a small margin depending on your aiming technique results in a better outcome more times than not. 

    So question is; Why on earth would anyone want to run 'anything' that would keep stopping on the 'ding' ? Makes no sense. As does the whole 'reason' they banned him. Had nothing to do with ding rate, jesus, that's just idiotic. 


    Tell us the program you're using? What hell is that?

    You have top players here running AutoHotKey... Openly telling people they're using it because they use it for the onscreen wind and putting aids. Showing people how to set it up. What do you think AHK does besides enable onscreen assets? Jesus, if WGT is looking for programs why are they not instantly banning everyone using AHK?

    Simple, because setting up a macro to hit the ding with a high percentage is a masssively huge pain, and simply doesn't work. Try it.  Auto dinging works off timing from the release point, you have to set the timing for 'click' based on that release point running to the 'ding', you have any idea how many shot profiles you'd need to have? Plus you have to select that profile per shot. LoL... ya, good luck with that. 

    Auto dinging, go ahead, again why bother? 

    Oh and there's also no way to tell if someone is using AHK unless you see it running, and I also point out that using is isn't evidence of cheating in any way what so ever. Using an onscreen ruler has been okayed by wgt, so they know that many use it, so they also know a lot of those people are running AHK. They also know exaclty what AHK is for and what it does. 

    WGT has always banned people for whatever reason they want, always. I'm actually surprised TG would want anyone banned, they're looking for numbers, people.. Pissing people off, giving the impersssion that they ban players for no good reason I think would kind of go counter to that. 

    If I had any idea how idiotic this game was admin'd I never would have hit ball one way back. 

    As was stated, it's their game and they'll do what the want with it, well it's TG's game now actually, I do feel they maybe don't know what the people administrating it are doing though as I said, it goes counter to TG's business model.


    Sucks to get banned for sure from someone comlaining about you, which is the real reason he was banned. That's one converstation stream you're not going to see, who complained to WGT about him.  I wonder who it was, obviously one of their favs, because they don't act on anything a 'regular' player would complain about.

    It's too bad that this game isn't an actual installed system resource dependent video game, then wgt could actually have written tools to monitor for cheating software and security circumventing attempts, fact is it isn't and they can't. 


    Sucks, but no way they're going to let him back.  


    Good on the RDG people though for having Tom's back... ;-)  

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2016 6:57 AM

    My very first friend on WGT has been MIA for a long time. Hundreds of you know him. Lee told me over 2 years ago to stop thinking about the ding and hit a little early or late. At first I was able to beat him at least 50% of the time. All of a sudden it was no contest, he would whoop me in 5 holes. I politely asked him WTF he was using. That's when he explained about the early/late. This doesn't always work for me due to my slower reflexes. Except for putting I don't care to hear the ding. 

  • Pkay72
    229 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 3:38 PM

    Dont get why people cheat. Cheating is stealing from everybody, if you want to steal and cheat you are really cr*p at playing. Cheat but when you win think! Did you really win. If you cheated you will think nothing but greed, but if you did win by skill you will think Yes thats ten times better than that cr*p feeling anyday

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 3:51 PM

    Harmless because nobody is physically involved.

    Yesterday, a guy risked his life and mine, at least a severe wreckage of our cars at 100 km/h, just to pass me in a situation where he was behind and should have conceded. Fortunate to both of us, I proved less stubborn and let him pass.

  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 5:12 PM

    Date:      December 31, 2016

    From:     PMM711

    To:         TopGolf/WGT CS

    Subject: To DIng or Not To Ding...That IS the Question

    Dear TopGolf/WGT and whoever the hell cares within your confines at HQs:

    I don't even have a 100% ding rate here...

    but I'm assuming if I were married to you, and always hit the target/ding, then I'd be considered a "cheater".  Now I understand as my wife would hang me by the cojones if I cheated and I'd never be able to play on, from, or around her tee box ever again.  But wait, my wife actually gets pissed off with me if I off ding here occasionally and she prefers if I always hit the ding.  So hopefully you now understand my dilemma and confusion...all caused by you dingbats at TG/WGT HQs..

    So last night, in preparation for the big New Year's Eve celebration tonight, I over-indulged in some liquid libations and decided to test your rule of "to ding or not to ding...that is the question".  I off-dinged in various locations around my house...Master Bedroom & Powder Room to name a few.  Well this morning I woke up to one PO'd woman.  I was read the riot act and ordered to clean up because of my inability to ding consistently.  Sheesh, you'd think she would have sent me an email reminder first.  But no...instant cold shoulder for off-dinging). WTF!!!!!

    So just to let you know, the ding in RL is actually the preferred method.  Dinging consistently allows me to continue playing with the Mrs. without any threat of suspension or permanent ban of my playing rights.  This happens to keep by putter and balls very happy...unlike in your Top Golf/WGT HQs.  Maybe you guys should reconsider the dinging policy...especially since you sell me clubs and balls that slow down my meter so I have a better chance of always hitting the damn ding.

    And you wonder why your rules confuse the hell out of me.  Evidently none of you are married.

    Peace & Happy New Year!

    Paul (an off-ding guy in an always-ding RL world)

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 5:26 PM


    Dont get why people cheat. Cheating is stealing from everybody, if you want to steal and cheat you are really cr*p at playing. Cheat but when you win think! Did you really win. If you cheated you will think nothing but greed, but if you did win by skill you will think Yes thats ten times better than that cr*p feeling anyday

    Your post is spot on...but is written for those of us who have a moral compass. Cheaters and scammers lack this important character trait.

    My father used to say that a lock only keeps an honest man; honest. Seems apropos here.
