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Re: Gifting clubs to a mobile player

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Mon, Aug 14 2017 1:33 PM (18 replies)
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  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,764 Posts
    Mon, Aug 7 2017 8:22 AM

    Many mobile players don't read their wall posts and messages. As a matter of fact, lots of them don't even know the existence of PC side of the game such as profile page, forums, etc.

    I, for instance, discovered the game from Android Play Store and for about two months, didn't know at all that the game was actually PC originated, believing that it was totally mobile thing.

    If you know his email, write him there. You can also try to message him on mobile. There is a chat section in the country club menu so maybe he'll be able to check your message there.

    Good luck!

  • flatstick96
    233 Posts
    Mon, Aug 7 2017 12:25 PM


    Many mobile players don't read their wall posts and messages. As a matter of fact, lots of them don't even know the existence of PC side of the game such as profile page, forums, etc.

    I, for instance, discovered the game from Android Play Store and for about two months, didn't know at all that the game was actually PC originated, believing that it was totally mobile thing.

    If you know his email, write him there. You can also try to message him on mobile. There is a chat section in the country club menu so maybe he'll be able to check your message there.

    Good luck!

    I think this is absolutely correct. Most of the mobile players I know are not aware of the features available through the WGT website.

    188 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 9:34 AM

    Someone contacted me and said he would try to set up a match with him and in the process let him know about the clubs. I hope that works but I have my doubts that this member would accept an invitation to play a champion, since he is just a tour pro, but you never know. I certainly appreciate the help I'm getting in this matter. I guess I'll think twice about gifting things in the future. Maybe a sleeve of balls or two might not hurt.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,764 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 9:58 AM

    I guess I'll think twice about gifting things in the future. Maybe a sleeve of balls or two might not hurt.

    You did a good thing, mate. It's just that your friend doesn't know about it... yet.

    Kudos to you and we definitely need more people like you here.



  • HalHoff
    892 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 1:03 PM

    He accepted the friend request and after 8 tries accepted a game with me. He is now aware of your generous gift and I told him how to equip them and to check out your club tourneys. Your generosity with new players is commendable,

  • flatstick96
    233 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 1:13 PM

    Regarding the "8 tries" part:

    I play on an Android device (Samsung S7) and when I'm trying to play someone on an iOS device, we "connect" rarely.  Regardless of which one of us sends the invite, when the other hits "accept", the game tells the sender that the invite was declined, and it tells the recipient of the invite that the sender has disconnected - even though neither of those messages is factually accurate.  But every now and again, the invite and acceptance go off without a hitch, and we get to play each other. I'd say the invite is successful maybe 10-20% of the time.

    If you're getting steady "rejections" from someone, they may actually be accepting, and the game is just hosing both of you - so don't read too much into the "rejections".

  • HalHoff
    892 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 1:18 PM

    Lately I've been getting the quick player left game after a few seconds....when trying to play him I got the 2 minutes of waiting each time for a time out. I don't think he knows how to accept an invite. He finally figured out I was trying to get ahold of him and he invited me. Although he still hasn't equipped the clubs yet. I gave him specifics on how to u equip his irons and equip those.....will see if he figures it out!

    188 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 4:42 AM

    I thank you for your concern Hal, and you did more than most would do. If he can't figure it out after your advice I guess its just not there. It just seems that there is a big gap between PC and mobile.

  • philb1818
    267 Posts
    Mon, Aug 14 2017 1:33 PM


    I thank you for your concern Hal, and you did more than most would do. If he can't figure it out after your advice I guess its just not there. It just seems that there is a big gap between PC and mobile.

    Hi I am from the same club as Hal and he is well known for going above and beyond.

     As a club we are trying to bridge the divide between pc and mobile players, we use a communication app that is available and compatible with all platforms it has helped us communicate daily with our pc users  and we are seeing a lot of players now using both platforms their usual platform for tourney's and swapping over to try some alt shot or match play with other members.


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