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Re: cheaters

Mon, Apr 10 2023 2:00 AM (47 replies)
  • FunAndGames
    23 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2011 7:29 PM

    No...those clickers are based on millisecond variations. They click perfect every time whether there's a meter skip or not. That's what the legends use here.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 12:47 PM

    No...those clickers are based on millisecond variations. They click perfect every time whether there's a meter skip or not. That's what the legends use here.

    Not me. I use my brain, eyes and my finger to click on my mouse. Just like all the other Legends.

    Until someone can come forward with actual proof that someone is cheating then i'll continue to believe this.

    If you can't shoot these low scores then i suggest you get out on the course and practice some more. Take notes. Know where you can and can't miss the greens. Learn which side of the hole is the best position for the easiest putt.

    It's the same as RL golf. You need good course management and good hand to eye coordination. Learn a bit more about the game and then you'll all realize that these scores are possible without cheating.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 4:34 PM


    No...those clickers are based on millisecond variations. They click perfect every time whether there's a meter skip or not. That's what the legends use here.

    Actually that's complete and utter bullsheet......obviously you have neither tried one of them cheat softwares nor have you seen anyone trying it out because you are talking out of your own ar$ only joined on May 24th....but you got this game worked out already rofl.

    I will bet not just you but anyone $1000 that they do not hit ding every time....not even 50% of the time plus they do also get metered too..(if you are so sure of your facts as I am...then that's got to be an easy $1000 eh? so go prove me wrong!.....but be sure if I'm proven to be correct, I will want your $1000 and will donate it to a charity of Priestess's choice.)

    And who the f*ck are you to say legends use them? I reached legend status by putting in a lot of hours getting to know the courses and my clubs.

    Just because your game's sheeyite...don't go saying the better players need to cheat to hit decent scores.





  • MentalChaos
    141 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 4:40 PM

    When you take this:


    Actually that's complete and utter bullsheet......obviously you have neither tried one of them cheat softwares nor have you seen anyone trying it out because you are talking out of your own ar$e.

    And this:


    They do not hit ding 100% of the time....not even I will wager you $1000 they do get metered.... 

    And put them together, it would seem like you're speaking from experience. Couldn't get it to work eh? 

    LOL only kidding :P

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 4:43 PM

    ROFL.....I am happy enough with my game and would not lie to myself by using any cheat software....anyone who's played against me or with me can vouch I can play just as bad as I do good. I'm as serious about this golf game as I am about being a 6 handicap golfer in real life.

    I'm just tired of lesser experienced players squealing that the better ones must be cheating to hit a decent score....when they cannot provide any facts to back it up whatsoever.

    All they do is shout cheat...the really good players all use them auto click softwares and cheat to hit 55's and 56's etc....and that's complete bullsheet.

    If the autoclickers were so f*cking some research on them and find out. All I read on the internet sites is that they don't work.

    At the end of the day...good scores rely heavily on good putting and them cheat softwares cannot work out slopes of speeds...wind variations are totally ain't rocket science.

    Prove me wrong and win the $1000. (any takers???....didn't think so)


  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2011 11:46 AM


    At the end of the day...good scores rely heavily on good putting and them cheat softwares cannot work out slopes of speeds...wind variations are totally ain't rocket science.

    Prove me wrong and win the $1000. (any takers???....didn't think so)


    So you really don't think those of us that can read the wind, greens, elevations, etc with pretty good accuracy wouldn't benefit from being able to ding* every shot/putt?

    I would be willing to bet $1000 if I could ding* EVERY shot/putt I could take a minimum of 2 shots off every 9 holes. Hell maybe 3. I'm positive of that. Why? Because I've had rounds where I couldn't miss the ding* and those rounds just happen to be my best rounds to date.

    I think it's awesome there's people on here with that skill. Every game in the world has exceptional players. Why should WGT be any different? Hell one of my 12 yr old twin daughters is a Call of Duty phenom who beats the people that hack that game. She gets called a cheat almost every time she plays and just chuckles into the mic as she mows people down. Pretty much the same thing the top players here are doing. lol

    I know I'll never be that good. I'll have my "zone" rounds but they are few and far between. But honestly I could care less because it's still fun.

    *ding isn't hearing the chime. Ding to me is hitting in the exact spot on the meter you intend for that shot.

    I have no idea if some people on here cheat. Actually I could care less if they do. It's an online game. Isn't it pretty much the norm for people to figure out cheats/hacks for all online games?

    10,728 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2011 1:57 PM

    You are missing the fact that the best players on here dont regularly ding the irons,No.1 they know what side of the line to miss the ding(opp of wind).so even though they re trying to ding they are aware what side of the line they must not miss, Also have you nay idea how good these players are at putting? Play Bollin  sometime and you will see a player that dont miss many putts under 18 feet,Its a fact that the best players on here are the best putters,Also if they have a spin wedge shot in thats virtually guaranteed to be a birdie,So its not all about the ding, its about being shrewd and being able to make many putts between 8 and 18 feet,And also its about having a great memory shot database,Most players will have 1 or 2 shot type variations a top player might have 3 or 4, depending on their knowledge of that particular green 

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2011 2:05 PM

    this discussion is beginning to get "old"

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2011 2:27 PM


    this discussion is beginning to get "old"

    I'll say.

    Where's Mr FunAndGames go?  Someone get banned again?

  • CrazyJoeBonano1
    117 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2021 9:00 PM

    I'm a legend.  Got there by playing club tournaments that are set up with easy tee boxes, easy wind and easy pins.  I shoot 10-12 under almost all of the time.  When I play one of the European Tour events or a US Open Qualifier with much harder settings, I might shoot -3 to -5 if I play well.

    So if you never play showdowns and never play events on very hard settings, you can have an amazing average round and tier up fast..  I'm 61.08 right now and I maybe win 60% of my head-to-heads in Rio room, so I'm not Rory McIlroy.