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Thu, Sep 15 2011 11:35 AM (43 replies)
    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 5:24 PM

    now i NEVER qualify


    Do you qualify using your own criteria or do you enter the details of a character that would qualify?

    Once they have filled the quote in a particular demographic they search for the next demographic.
    They don't want a 40yo movie goer, they want an 18yo that goes every week.
    They don't want an 18yo car buyer they want a 40yo.. that IS considering NEW car within 3 months...etc

    through at least 30mins of stuff

    Never seen a qualifying grid last that long , let alone a full survey. However I hear ya pain, when you sit through some qual questions and be told 5 mins later you dont qualify. Do it again, change your answers.

    I MEAN NEVER....took a mere 5 mins for one

    I've encountered then with around a 1min duration.. 5 or 6 quick questions and thanks!

    You will find these in the 'Daily Surveys' arena.

    There have been many that are only 5 or 10 or 15 mins long.

    When you do find them, make hay while the sun shines. Clear your cache, cookies, use another browser whatever it takes, and DO IT AGAIN...

    ...And AGAIN, and AGAIN. a 15min survey practiced, can often be completed in 5.


    and for those that think this is a scam or a ploy or has 'friend' in marketing denouncing them.

    You're simply not doing it right.

    I've earned well over 20,000 - 30,000 cr doing surveys.

    I;ve also had a good return - value for some of the offers.

    flowers for the GF, earn credits, domain name for $9 get $25 worth of creds.

    BUT these offers, for me, have to equate to a minimum 100creds per $10 spent + the product, or I walk away.


    Some of those offers for 8cr and stuff..  worthless.

    I AM in Sales & Marketing.. if we wanted retailers to provide discounts we would laugh at the ones wanting to offer 10% disscount.

    Dunno why these people offering 8cr or watch a movie clip for 1 cred think they are going to gain new consumer awareness at all.
    Pretty feeble sales spin by WGT and just cheapens WGT as a whole offering crap like that.


  • JerkNicholas
    33 Posts
    Sun, Sep 11 2011 8:49 AM

    Esssy, I have had my fair share of issues with surveys, but on the flip side I have also had many that have been fine.

    Asking for it to be removed because you don't like it is somewhat selfish wouldn't you say?

  • racermike
    20 Posts
    Thu, Sep 15 2011 11:35 AM


    I have had some success with them, but it is frustrating to spend 20 or 30 minuits answering a lot of personal questions and qualifying for a survey, answering 10 more minutes of questions and then get the " we're sorry there are no surveys available at this time".

    That kind of thing happens WAY to often. Don't tell me I qualify for a survey and then tell me none are available, that is Bullshicorn!


    The problem is the survey companies that only want the personal data tend to get what they want by " screening and qualifying pre-surveys" . It would not surprise me if there were no other surveys to take! This is such a problem in the survey business in general that we may soon see laws passed that will make this fraud. In the mean time, we need W.G.T. to remind there advertisers of there obligations .                                                                I have used this approach with sponsors on my race cars. The week of the season opener I had to remind an associate sponsor of his agreement to supply money, logo hats and banners to the race team. The second week I reminded him he was under written contract to do so. The third week we won so I fulfilled my obligation under contract and sent him a victory lane photo of the crew and the car with his logo prominently displayed with a cross of electrical tape thru it! What I am getting at is W.G.T. has methods to pressure sponsors to follow there obligations. Oh yeah, I got the check in 3 days and the hats and banners on friday for the 4th week!