Thanks Kilbraur. GitUsummaDis, is there a specific hole you are referring to? The increased elevation means 2 things.
1) Add 1 extra yd of carry per 5ft of elevation. I.E. say the shot is 5ft uphill and I want to land it 11yds, I would need to actually hit it 12yds for it to carry 11yds.
2) Release ... because the hole is above our feet, the ball is going to come out on a lower trajectory. This means you may have to factor in more release depending on the severity of the slope you are hitting into. If there's a big upslope near the hole then you can play less release and use the upslope to deaden the shot. If you are unsure, go into putting mode and use the color of the grid lines to help you determine the severity of the slope.
If you have a certain bunker or hole in mind I can do a video on it to help you get a better understanding if you need.