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Re: CC event prizes

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 9 2016 10:01 PM (13 replies)
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  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 1:11 PM

    sure hope wgt doest go broke ....with such a nice giveaway

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 3:02 PM

    Is it just me....or does anyone else think that the cannons could use "Mini-Angus" on top of them?  ;-)

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 5:31 PM

    All you have to do is consider the math.

    To finish second a CC would need 150 members or so playing.  A number but not a large number many would need to buy some passes at 37 credits each.

    If it was 3 sleeves balls at 800 credits each that equates to 2,400 credits gifted by WGT to those 150 members for a grand total cost to WGT 360,000 credits or in US dollars $3,600 in lost profits to WGT.

    Put another way those 360,000 credits equate to just under 1,000 CC passes bought. 

    Now, while a number here think WGT is not very smart when it comes to updates and QA / QC procedures, even the most cynical here knows that not even The Georgian buys 1,000 CC passes for a Clash event.

    WGT knows that and more - no way is it 12 balls per participant - 12 for the CC but who and how does it get decided who gets 1 of those 12 among the 150 members that participate?

    Does the owner now have the added burden of selecting 12 members, contacting them and then contacting WGT to tell them which members get them and which ball they want?

    If so - no way will I want to finish second....

    Just my opinion.





  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 10:01 PM

    All you have to do is consider the math.

    To me, it's psychology first.

    In the past, there are two CCs battling for the Calf, and all others are only background actors. There was no "group of nuts" (no offence intended) who would join the race as a third.

    With the new ! and valuable ! prizes added, it will be worth the effort to go for second and third, and this new race may attract more than one CC to accept the gauntlet. Take into account three or more additional CCs buying balls and passes - now do the math!

    Me thinks that we see it in the results already. The top two have 115T, 95T as usual, but #3 has 47T, #4 is 40T - weren't they in the 30,000s the last time? Add four CCs with 30T+ - another success for their business model!

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