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Re: when will we have a new 18 hole course to play?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Sep 18 2016 5:11 PM (8 replies)
  • Sowester
    4 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 1:43 AM

    I am a great fan of WGT but I must admit I am getting tired of the same old courses. It seems ages since there was new 18 hole course to play and the ones that have existed as only as Close to the Hole versions haven't been developed into the full courses that I am surely not alone in having expected to see.

    Please can WGT release a schedule of when new 18 hole courses will be available? I appreciate the small improvements that come along from time to time but I expected Topgolf to be more ambitious.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 9:49 AM

    Erin Hills - 2017. US Open venue.

    WGT has an ongoing deal with the USGA.

    A course has to want to be here on WGT. WGT has to have permission from a course to have it here.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 9:50 AM

    It seems ages since there was new 18 hole course to play and the ones that have existed as only as Close to the Hole versions haven't been developed into the full courses that I am surely not alone in having expected to see.

    Last one was Pebble, late last year IIRC.

    But no, they can't "develop" CTTH courses because they only did the photos necessary for those nine shots and not those required for all shots on 18 holes.

    Expect Erin Hills, the next US Open location, here in Spring of 2017. Expect no schedule or other advance statements by the Hold-Your-Tongue Tribe of Bay Area.

  • guyoluckso
    9 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 10:09 AM

    Well I am very upset! WGT will probably not post this! This happens to me all the time and I'm sure to others, so I thought I would mention something. Why is it when I play any scored or challenge match I can b out playing and out scoring my opponent right up to the 6th hole and b up by 2 or 3 and out of nowhere end up losing the matches! So I believe WGT is rigged! I spend a lot of money in this game! So should I be able to call the police for WGT stealing my money because its no different then a thief!!!!!!!! If I don't see this being posted then I know wgt is rigged or get a response! If you were able to review all my matches they would show truth in my statement! We all know WGT is all about making money but cant they let us play without any interferences? I will not be spending anymore money until I see or here a response!

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 12:01 PM

    does that lot of money you have spent include the cost of a tin foil hat

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 3:49 PM

    Well I am very upset! WGT will probably not post this! This happens to me all the time and I'm sure to others, so I thought I would mention something. Why is it when I play any scored or challenge match I can b out playing and out scoring my opponent right up to the 6th hole and b up by 2 or 3 and out of nowhere end up losing the matches! So I believe WGT is rigged! I spend a lot of money in this game! So should I be able to call the police for WGT stealing my money because its no different then a thief!!!!!!!! If I don't see this being posted then I know wgt is rigged or get a response! If you were able to review all my matches they would show truth in my statement! We all know WGT is all about making money but cant they let us play without any interferences? I will not be spending anymore money until I see or here a response!

    Ignorance can be addressed by gaining knowledge.  However, the only cure for stupid is a long shovel and a bag of lime......

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 4:23 PM

    Well I am very upset!


  • Howeee1
    506 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 5:11 PM


     wish someone from WGT would answer this but with members wanting new courses why cant you activate free play again at Cabo and Whistler? Does WGT have to pay these courses for each round played or is this another income revenue for WGT? At least put them back in the rotation of courses for ready go events.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Sep 18 2016 5:33 PM

    I can just imagine how much they'd complain if they were playing in the days when you could count the number of full courses available on one hand.