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Re: low scores and quitters

rated by 0 users
Sat, Apr 16 2011 5:07 AM (25 replies)
  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2011 8:11 AM

    A Legend who quits on a multiplayer round on purpose, should have his status stripped for disgracing the Legend name. When one says, "I'm not posting this crap, gg bye.", you can be sure they left on purpose. 

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2011 4:34 PM


    Don't school me on attitude. Pot calling the kettle black. You don't know what the hell I chat about. The only garbage is in your reply.

    this is my take on the episode as you explained it.  it may not be what you say, but how it is said.  having just now read all of your entries on this forum it became quite clear that the degree of "I", in your utterance's is paramount.  if this could be controlled to a major degree, you may be able to better relate to others in which company you find yourself.  i can agree with your questioning why they quit so early in a round, there are many  quitters who will never change reguardless of thier rating hack, to legend.  i personally do not quit under any circumstances, other than uncalled for profane abuse of myself or others playing.  under these conditions i will 1st attempt to goad the other person to the degree that he, she, or it, will chose to leave the game, failing that i will sign-off and leave the game with the reason clearly stated. this is only my nickles worth.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2011 4:56 PM

    re:  wall posting  i myself have been wall posting every QUITTER! i come in contact with for the last 14 months.  some take issue and leave profane entries on my wall calling me just everything you can imagine, i will make 2 responses only, to these outrageous entrys as it is evident that they  have serious issues to deal with that i can,will, not be able to correct. or get them to listen to reason.  on few,( less than 7 times) have i been conntacted by a QUITTER, LOSER, POSER. that  they had certainly been chastized in error and explained the particular circumstances of thier disconnect, in such a convinceing manner that i made all necessary apoligies and posted them on thier wall.  if i find that the QUITTER is a country club member i will make an entry on the owners wall explaining the episode and that they have a QUITTER, POSER,LOSER, and in many cases a person without ant degree of SPORTSMANSHIP as a member.  i will also tell the QUITTER, LOSER, POSER, BAD SPORT. that if thier name comes up in conversation i will alert all others present as to that individule's non- finishing habits.  i applaude your efforts.  i wish more did so.  it is quite obviouse that wgt will, can, not do anything about it.  my nickels worth.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2011 7:20 PM

    You have a point...or just like to see what you have written to be eched in cyber stone?


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Apr 15 2011 11:00 PM


    You have a point...or just like to see what you have written to be eched in cyber stone?


    no, don't care about being seen in print.  just like to make others of a like mind do something, anything!  it is always better to act than to let others dictate.  my nickel.

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Sat, Apr 16 2011 5:07 AM


    You have a point...or just like to see what you have written to be eched in cyber stone?


    If this is what we were after we could post all the crap we wanted endlessly on our own walls and our friends walls, etched in cyberstone forever as you say.  Give us a tool to use, give us back the rep or something similar so we KNOW who the quitters are, and don't have to waste our time on 5-6 holes with these lame ass ducks.