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Re: Green Speeds

Sun, Jan 21 2024 10:46 AM (25 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Fri, Oct 21 2016 11:28 AM


    This may help you.

    Young 46 has a winner here. I downloaded it early this morning after he sent me the link and I have t say it is fantastic. Very accurate distance control. The only putts I missed were  simply because of poor reads and maybe 2 or 3 badly missed dings.This is on my PC running Excel. I will try it later with a free Excel clone because I'm just too cheap to pay for Excel. I'm just using the 30 day free trial of Office 360 and Excel at this time.

    I would also like to try to use it on my Iphone so i can use it with WGT mobile but so far it wont work.  I get a couple of error messages when I try, One is Cannot update this workbook. This workbook can't connect to external data or it contains macros that will not run in this version of Excel. The other Excel error message is Read only to edit this file convert it to the latest format. But clicking on convert and edit does nothing.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    T don't know why but when I tried it again on my Iphone it worked so I now I can use it with WGT Mobile

  • gonfission
    2,268 Posts
    Fri, Oct 21 2016 1:26 PM

    If I may

    Here is a simple way to use a simple piece of crap calculator next to you while playing. No Excel, wind calculators etc. those all take time. On a 30 second clock you have very little time to use the simple stuff I am going to show you.

    Every one has had some pertinent info in this thread that helps them, their way.

    This is useful for all greens at level or slightly pitched  to 3 feet + or -

    the flag reads 28 feet out, with a 3 inch up slope

    Add 28 + 3 = 31,,, this you do all the time. Starting at champs and going down, the formula is as such

    Champ greens with above calculation, 31 x.65 gets you right at the cup

    Tournement 12 = x .7

    T 11 = x .75

    very fast = x .8

    fast = .85

    standard = .9

    slow = .95

    very slow = 1.1

    that being said, I have a Nike level 71 ball that adds a bit of extra oomph when I hit it.

    As the preceding folks have all said, there are variables that you will have to look for playing your equipment. The larger uphills, add a couple feet, the big downhills subtract a couple feet, some times more on evil slopes.

    The formula I have given is simple to use from any yardages away, not ten feet etc.

    Big breaks require finesse, good judgement, and practice.

    good luck

  • Juliagrace
    4 Posts
    Fri, Feb 21 2020 9:42 PM

    this is the stupidest thing ive ever heard...hey i have a 9 footer on a 10.0 green, im gonna hit this baby 2 feet and watch it just sail in...

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2020 3:29 PM


    this is the stupidest thing ive ever heard...hey i have a 9 footer on a 10.0 green, im gonna hit this baby 2 feet and watch it just sail in...

    And apparently you just don't understand.  2 would not be any part of the equation.  I will use my putter scale for example and your above footage and speed.

    10.0 green is very fast which is .8.

    9 x .8 = 7.2 divide that by your putter scale, example 15 feet = 48%.  That is what you hit, based on that speed.

    I know that this was a 4 year old thread, but the above is yesterday's date.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Feb 22 2020 7:05 PM

    we salute you

  • BigD62863
    15 Posts
    Sun, Jan 21 2024 10:46 AM

    9 x .8 = 7.2    not 2