You know, I thought I was pretty indifferent about clashes. They're an absolute waste of life to play in but if someone wants to do so then feel free. Chase that magical golden turd on a stick and the flocks of salivating teenage groupies that undoubtedly go with it. Live the high life, you earned it.
Or if, like myself, you don't give a turd, gilded or not, then don't play. Maybe the odd round if there's nothing else you need or want to play.
However, when you're trying to get a group of 4 players together and have finally managed it after many time outs (please get rid of that, it's bloody stupid) only to have your club start a clash and a pop up window announces the joyous news and kicks everyone out of the lobby..........
Well, in that case I'd dearly like to meet the dribbling imbecile that came up with clashes and introduce their head to their butt. The inside of their butt that is.
Pissed off? You have no idea.