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Re: cc prizes

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jan 4 2017 6:08 PM (9 replies)
  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2016 2:06 PM

    Apart from the top 3 there is hardly any difference in prizes dow to the top 100, maybe add a few other prizes for say top 10 then top 50 just to give other smaller clubs something to aim for? even if it like 3 balls for top 10 then a single ball for top 50 or add some other new ideas.

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2016 6:32 PM

    maybe add a few other prizes for say top 10 then top 50 just to give other smaller clubs something to aim for?

    That would totally break the spirit of the invention of CC XPs, levels and Clashes: Add revenue on WGT's side, avoid spendings. Don't be fooled by the alleged worth of the Golden Calf putter - it can't be resold, so the "price" is - ehm - random.

    Smaller clubs have never been in consideration, CCs must have a massive capacity to play and to pay to contend. And what do they win? One Golden Calf, a few sleeves, ridiculous tee markers, CC passes suppressing the free ones...

    Why more? It's fair capitalism, isn't it?

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Sat, Nov 5 2016 1:55 AM


    CCs must have a massive capacity to play and to pay to contend.

      That's not quite true . There are quite a few smaller CC's that consistently place in the top 30 . 

      It has something to do with the heart and spirit of the CC . 

      That's the only way I can explain it . We don't have size or money .  Almost always top 30 . 

    Yes, you are busy, one form of "capacity" I had in mind. But you buy into it, too
    - I see that you gifted 23 CC passes during the Clash. I also looked up a few of your members - some were busy buying passes. Nothing wrong with that though.

    BTW, how do passes bought or gifted affect your Clash experience? Can you continue to use free passes easily?

    So you play and pay and end up 23th - well done, but are you making history by that?

    We finished 157th but I won't care tomorrow.

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Sun, Nov 6 2016 2:49 AM

    An additional information concerning the subject:

    I asked CS about the 2nd and 3rd prizes,

    How are the sleeves of balls distributed for the 2nd and 3rd contestants?

    and received this answer (emphasis by me):

    Sleeves for the 2nd and 3rd place winners of the Clash are given to a member of the owners choice. One of our Mods reachs out to the Owner to determine who the member to receive this sleeve should be and what ball type they would like. :)

    Thank you, WGT, for clarifying this!

    Thus, the prize is literally 4 sleeves for the runner-up and 2 sleeves for third place. That's really generous NOT!


    Let me add some remarks on the CS contact:

    - the answer was quick, only took a few hours on Saturday,

    - it's to the point (I'm afraid that I can't call their answers useless any more),

    - it came from [Topgolf] (WGT mail address though), and they cited a message from "Support (WGT)", addressed "Hi Paul". This deviation took seven hours alone.

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Mon, Jan 2 2017 10:52 PM


    I see that you gifted 23 CC passes during the Clash

      Make that 115 passes . Those were all 5 packs .

    So you play and pay and end up 23th - well done, but are you making history by that?

      No we are not making history . But we ended up 23rd . 

    You said before, "we don't have money" but apparently you have and spend - makes a difference to me, as you have bought your 23rd place...

    The cut off line for Flags and Tee markers is now 100th place . That's right anyone in the top 100 receives The Flag and tee markers . [...] with the pay off a worthy prize .

    Worthy? I don't consider a bunch of pixels to have any worth, more so since they create problems when used in CC tournaments. The company has also started to re-use the designs, so if your CC had the cornucopia from former Events, you won't have received a second prize this year. If it was worthy, I'd call it robbery.

    To me, the most valuable prize is 12 balls for the 2nd CC - a generous donation, isn't it?

    on the verge of a deafening implosion . 

    FTFY ;)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2017 12:47 AM

    There are 250 member CC's that try every CLASH and do not break the top 50 . 


    They must send you a different leader board...