An additional information concerning the subject:
I asked CS about the 2nd and 3rd prizes,
alosso: How are the sleeves of balls distributed for the 2nd and 3rd contestants?
and received this answer (emphasis by me):
Sleeves for the 2nd and 3rd place winners of the Clash are given to a member of the owners choice. One of our Mods reachs out to the Owner to determine who the member to receive this sleeve should be and what ball type they would like. :)
Thank you, WGT, for clarifying this!
Thus, the prize is literally 4 sleeves for the runner-up and 2 sleeves for third place. That's really generous NOT!
Let me add some remarks on the CS contact:
- the answer was quick, only took a few hours on Saturday,
- it's to the point (I'm afraid that I can't call their answers useless any more),
- it came from [Topgolf] (WGT mail address though), and they cited a message from "Support (WGT)", addressed "Hi Paul". This deviation took seven hours alone.