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Re: How do they get the score average ?

Wed, Mar 8 2023 4:11 PM (18 replies)
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  • AugustWest123
    15 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 4:57 PM

    Glad I read this thread...everything is making a bit more sense.


    I'm at 68.16 and was puzzled that it wasn't moving up, despite having some dreadful rounds at Congressional recently and definitely averaging over 72 for the last 20 or so rounds.


    I've been told that 67 puts me to Master (not sure if it's 67.9 or 67.0) and since I don't want to buy balls for this game, I pretty much don't want to move out of Tour Pro, at least for the time being (maybe for much longer than that).


    I guess that forces me never to hit that last put on 18 if I'm shooing a good round (for me that is).


    Won't get the satisfaction of seeing good rounds on the scorecard either.


    Oh well.



  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 11:46 AM


    I guess that forces me never to hit that last put on 18 if I'm shooing a good round (for me that is).

    Won't get the satisfaction of seeing good rounds on the scorecard either.

    Oh well.

    To chit-can a good score by resigning before the final putt on 18 would be a travesty.  Don't even consider that to be an option.  While I understand your concern about moving up to Master, I don't understand why you would want to be there as it's possible to reach Legend with Starter Clubs and Starter Balls.  Why sandbag?

    Also, a 9 hole round is considered a Ranked why waste your time playing 18 hole rounds?

  • AugustWest123
    15 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 3:29 PM

    Legend with starter balls and starter clubs?


    I remember hearing that but, wow, w/out being able to stop the ball near the pin on many holes with the more difficult pin placement due to not being able to spin the ball enough with starter balls and clubs not getting that much height, I did not think that was possible. 

    That's impressive. 


    I don't want to have to get any more new clubs, so I thought playing from the higher level tee would make things pretty miserable.  I'll try it for a few rounds in practice play and see how it is.  Thanks...




  • weejohn5
    68 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 6:50 PM

    I don't know if WGT still does it but my ave. was 67 [probably about right for my skill level and clubs]. Then they decided if you beat higher ranked players in match-play your ave. would drop. Because I beat a few legends [40% to be precise] my average plummeted to 62 ! This is ridiculous as I could not shoot 62 on any course if my life depended on it. My best ever 63 [18 holes] and 29 [9 holes] were achieved as a tour pro from forward tees. As a T.M. I now suffer from an inaccurate low average as many see me as a sandbagger [my match-play records prove this is NOT the case!].

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 7:42 PM

    I now suffer from an inaccurate low average as many see me as a sandbagger [my match-play records prove this is NOT the case!].

    A sandbagger would have an inaccurately high average not a low average.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 20 2017 11:42 PM

    Because I beat a few legends [40% to be precise] my average plummeted to 62 ! This is ridiculous as I could not shoot 62 on any course if my life depended on it.

    These wins (the number counts, not the percentage) will support you nevertheless, because they provide an offset to the average, AFAIR. Imagine that this offset may be 5, then your calculated average only needs to drop to 66 for promotion, and scores around 33 (and a tad higher) will achieve that.

    You still have to play the "saturation" number of rounds, which is 50 at your tier, disregarding Par3s and Par5s.

    Don't listen to the sour grudgers - have fun!!

  • weejohn5
    68 Posts
    Tue, Mar 21 2017 4:20 PM

    What I mean is they see me as a sandbagger [well a few do] because I am still a T.M. with an average of 62. I keep getting "When are you gonna advance to Legend?" or "Why are you still playing from ladies tees?" [silly comment because my tees are way back from "ladies" but they think they are being witty], I would love to advance but under the current system it seems unachievable as far as I'm concerned. Quite frankly I am baffled as to how anyone who prefers match play and has moderate clubs ever becomes a legend ?

  • jkpalmer
    1 Posts
    Wed, Mar 8 2023 3:08 PM

    its all bull *** they have cheat code

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