Just a suggestion...but for the Legend Callaway Balls how about instead of giving the ball definite characteristics.....
For 250cr give us 11 1/2 dots, and 300cr...12 dots, and then let us make the balls just how we'd like...for instance:
I think they have too much spin, but 2 1/2 would be good.
I don't like the super slowed meter but I would put 1 on feel.
for the 250cr I split them up 4 1/2 and 3 1/2
for the 300cr....5 and 3 1/2
That would be my IDEAL ball.
Just a Suggestion, seems as though it's only fair that the Legends get to have more than some level 33+ hack or amateur....yes the Legend Balls have some perks, but....they wear out a little faster!! And, as far as the super slow meter, it's like watching paint dry...lol.
So, ONLY FOR THE LEGEND CALLAWAYS!!! could we get something like this. We pay the extra for, well to be honest, not much extra(at least not for me). This would definitely bring me back to buying the Callaways, too much for too little...at least for a shooter like me (which ain't sayin' much....lol)