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Re: Wgt bugs, customer service

Mon, Dec 19 2016 4:43 PM (5 replies)
  • pgatoursega
    67 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 7:12 PM

    Wgt green speeds keep changing  and half dots lie I use reverse camera  and forward I use path of reverse putt goes way front view breaks equal  to dots lying and also Kai wah 2nd hole bug where ding tees hot and ball goes  in sand  avatar standing  on the green says 3rd shot  lose a stroke cost me birdies  in ask for refund lost 500 credit  through  this issues and customer  service  don't respond  after 5 days  keep merging  my emails  and avoid  response  to refund me spent over $1000 on this game 200 recently  and wgt can't even refund me what I lost  to bugs and wgt errors  like lying dots most annoying thing in wgt administration might help me understand  why I get no response  or refunds .

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2016 4:25 PM


    emails being merged probably due to filers to keep it relevant and per account but it doesn't mean we don't reply. ill be sure to check with the team though.


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Fri, Dec 16 2016 4:53 PM

    I had the "unexpected error "  thingy going on a couple of days ago. Lost 100 Cr. due to having to withdraw from a ready-go at St. George's...Contacted customer service via e-mail...Cr.'s were replaced in less than 12 hours along with a pleasant reply....Thanks very much to the CSR's.


  • kensabre10
    3,200 Posts
    Sun, Dec 18 2016 8:38 AM

    PGA, they seem to care less, i have pointed out dozens of "glitches" etc and get the same bs response. clear my cache, etc. i have a high end gaming pc and very high speeds and my cache gets auto cleared when i sign off, so use your imagination on how far you'll get with these people.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 3:51 PM

    Usually, I find WGT CS to be quite good, but they sure let me down a few days ago. 

    Sent them this. 

    Titled: Sound Error

    There have been a few threads about this on the forums, but nothing seems to be being done, or there is some confusion. 
    Even with "Game Commentary" set to zero, there is one that still plays. IF a drive is DINGED and the ball goes 320+ yards, I still hear "That's a huge drive" very loud and annoying. I suspect that it may be misidentified as an ambient sound, but could be mistaken.


    Got this canned response - no mention of understanding the problem. 

    Hey Jim,

    We will take this into consideration. Your opinion is vital to the continued success of the game and our community.

    We greatly appreciate any feedback that you can contribute as it helps us create an optimal experience for our users. Thank you!

    If you have any further suggestions on how we can improve the game, be as detailed as possible.

    Your ideas are shaping the development of the game and the community. You may even see a suggested improvement implemented in an update in the near future! :)

    All the best,

    WGT Members Services


    I especially like the "be as detailed as possible." Why bother, when it isn't going to be read and comprehended anyway. 

    Anyway. I'm generally pleased with them, but this one is pretty disappointing. 

  • Lesthanpar
    1,522 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 4:43 PM

    Wgt green speeds keep changing  and half dots lie I use reverse camera  and forward I use path of reverse putt goes way front view breaks equal  to dots lying and also Kai wah 2nd hole bug where ding tees hot and ball goes  in sand  avatar standing  on the green says 3rd shot  lose a stroke cost me birdies  in ask for refund lost 500 credit  through  this issues and customer  service  don't respond  after 5 days  keep merging  my emails  and avoid  response  to refund me spent over $1000 on this game 200 recently  and wgt can't even refund me what I lost  to bugs and wgt errors  like lying dots most annoying thing in wgt administration might help me understand  why I get no response  or refunds .


    The game does throw different twists and turns at us what fun would it be if it didn't? I mean if we all hit a 100 yard wedge ding perfect and it goes in every time everybody would  be bored with this flash click game in no time. Just have fun don't spend $ if you don't want to but do not blame WGT and ask for refunds because you had a bad round.