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Few ideas

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 5 2017 3:30 PM (0 replies)
  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 3:30 PM

    Driving Range

    A range where you can choose from any ball or club to use, Maybe even charge some coins to get a bucket of balls as coins are worthless so would help try make the worthwhile.

    This would be good to have along with the putting green that is in game. Maybe have it as a reward for when your cc gets to a certain level (as lets face it not much above lvl 12)



    Introduce gloves to wear? different types/brands that give either bit more spin/distance. money making scheme for wgt i know but be good to have something else and again maybe give out a free glove in the cc clashes.