I will state up front that I do enjoy the game and am NOT in favor of dumbing it down to the point of losing all challenge. That being said .... a few suggestions to consider.
Meter: It seems to move extremely fast even on beginner clubs which are shown as a slow meter - This should be A: slower overall or B: Have a larger sweet spot (ding line) thats directly tied into the forgiveness stat of a given club.
Blitz: the double points for recovery makes the mode a joke. You can be consistantly on the green, but not in tight , and get beat by a player who goes bunker , bunker , green.
Wind and distance: No this isnt the complaint about wind being too strong.... but it seems like the overall math of the shot is inconsistant. You can hit into a shown headwind, slice the ball and actually end up longer than the estimated club distance. The wind should be slamming the distance of that shot since slices are VERY weak into a headwind.
Some sort of "growth" in the skill of your player should occur when moving up in level. Unlocking new clubs to purchase and use is nice dont get me wrong, but if practice makes perfect it would be nice to see. This is another opportunity to enhance the meter (speed,ding line sweetspot, ball control) or to possibly do something that allows improved consistancy from hole to hole.
As stated at the top, I'm not looking to make this into Mario Golf or something else as stupid, but a little more reward for time invested will help grow the game and attract more players.