WHITESNAKE C.C. Is a traditionally a PRIVATE Club who focuses on Hardcore club clashing.
Recently I had to clean house and release non active/contributing members. Before, we were at capacity, level 8 (175 players) And now over 100 players have been removed from the club.
We now have 62 members who are strong, everyday contributing players.
We are also at level 9 for sometime and now, with a 200 member capacity (138 spots now open)
So for a limited time, WHITESNAKE C.C. is inviting all strong players, who want to join and contribute to a fun, fantastic club! If you play and contribute on a regular basis we want you!
So come and join us right now, before the 138 spots are gone! As soon as that happens, I have to lock up this wonderful private club again.
-Serpentarius (Owner & Founder)