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Re: Pending Players

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 4 2017 1:27 PM (3 replies)
  • VDeMartine
    68 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 2:52 AM

    What are pending players?  I am a CC owner and from time to time I get these at the bottom of the members list.  It seems that the only thing I can do with these players is delete them.  I leave them there for a week or so and then do just that.  I would rather up some of them to recruit or member but,  Don't know how or can't.  I have also tried to invite them to the CC, at their profile page and can not .   I can only conclude that they are a result of a member invite putting the ball in their court.  If this is incorrect then I would appreciate some guidance as to options (mine) that I am missing. Otherwise I will just continue thinning my herd.   

    Thank You


  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 8:29 AM

    Yep, most likely one of your members has been inviting some of their friends to your party! You can control this by going to your clubs "Tools" and there is an option there where you can set who can and cannot do invites!!!

    Phil aka., Coyote

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 8:36 AM

    Pending players are members who have either been invited to join your club and waiting for you to accept them or they have applied through your clublink to join your club . If your club settings are set so that acceptance is done manually by you after you check them out then they will be listed as pending .

     Also they may be have been invites by other club members if they have the ability to do so and have not accepted the invitation on their end as well . This too will also place them as pending on that list . I agree with you on how you clear the list once a week or so but you can also check to see if they are in a club which is usually the case .

    You can change your club settings so that all who apply can join and then vet them from that end and that should resolve the problem .

  • VDeMartine
    68 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 1:27 PM

    Thank you so much!  Your response has perfectly addressed what I needed.  

    PW and Have FUN! (or why play at all?)
