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Re: Wgt. Meter lags

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 6 2017 12:01 AM (3 replies)
  • pgatoursega
    67 Posts
    Wed, Apr 5 2017 8:00 PM

    2 nights in a row did tier open 200 credit  round and tonight multi  pebble  chambers  was 8 under on 10th tee  eternal ran out to end twice  cost me double bogey ruined  you round lost 2 new balls. Today did multi  round  pebble was 7 under through  6 made eagle had easy part 3 100 yards 6mph. I went to hit ding it ran out well after I clicked  went to end and ball went out boundaries  made double bogey I birdied 8 and 9 so I had a 26 10 under great chance  to win both these rounds for 10000 credit  now I had to quit tier open and 26 I had might of won multi but now no shot to win lousy 7 under Wgt. Won't refund or do a dam  thing about  it I try to earn credit  been using my own money  spent  500 in 5 months want chance for 10000 so I stop paying for balls for a while makes me so angry it's ridiculous  why enter these  credit  games when meter ruins  my effort 2 great rounds wasted to meter lag click at ding it ran all the way to end of ding box and goes o.b I mean what are the chances to nights in row meter does that to me on great rounds 26 and 8 under through  9 on congressional  I want 5000 minimum  for this ring my great chances to win 10000 or I'm quitting this game I'm not going  to pay 500 $ and be cheated like this from w.g,t.  meter lagging odds it does that back to back when I shoot  these scores when I haven't  seen this in MO the maybe few times over 4 months not back to back money gsmes.

  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Wed, Apr 5 2017 8:24 PM

    2 easy possible fixes for meter are turn flash quality to low in options and make use a good wired mouse.  I rarely have meter lag or fly past ding since ditching the wireless mouse.  All my bad scores are operator fault now. 


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Apr 5 2017 10:27 PM

    Meters run without connection to WGT, so it's other influences which will make the difference:

    - general CPU and memory load,

    - LAN load or WLAN issues (use prefer a wired connection),

    - memory load due to the "Flash&memory" bug,

    - choice of browser,

    - details of browser and Flash versions (newest may NOT be best),

    - mouse status as named above.

    In an RG, you can save the round, close all browser windows and all unneccessary programs, then retry.

  • terwyl1
    1,011 Posts
    Thu, Apr 6 2017 12:01 AM

    As Alosso say in detail, check your own system. It is nothing to do with WGT, when I had problems I found that my CPU usage was at 82%. Too many things running on laptop, you need to check this.