SlickHunter: Being a newbie, only tried them for couple of days, didn't like them and sold them back, and bought back what I have now.
Big mistake and I'm sure you're going to see that those 83s and the 59s you let go are going to be totally different than what you have now. The simple fact is you're graduating to a high lofted club and it plays way different than the Med/High irons you have now.
You're going to see the same thing when you get to those Callaways-a good move, btw- but you're going to have to relearn your shots. High lofted clubs are the way to go but the learning curve is a little steep when progressing from Med/High irons. Those 59 Pings were state of the art when they came out because of the loft.
At this point you, if you want to learn High lofts with decent clubs, you could wait until you can get those Callaways and learn then or spend $ on lesser clubs now. In either case, you need to learn the game with High lofted clubs. GL