My solution is to merely stroke the balls gently,without removing the club head covers.That way you get a lot more life from each ball,and I think they love you more too.There is a small downside but one which only affects the more aggressive player,and that is that it can take up to four days to finish 9 holes.
I think its rather a moral judgement call though,over whether you support kindness or cruelty to balls(even Callaways).I for one make a habit of never eating a ball,but thats just me,and to be completely fair and honest,even I think I am a little too soft sometimes.
I also object to the unnecessary drowning of balls such as that covered regularly by Mr Bones of Iron and others too few not to mention and for this reason I take the precaution of equipping each ball with a small lifebelt,hardly noticeable unless you need full backspin.
There is a rumour on the radio that there are now balls being made in far off lands that contain a self exploding device,and also that these are starting to be chipped into the WGT offices via the mesh windows surrounding customer services,but I for one take this with a pinch of trinitrotoluene,as I find it adds somewhat to the end result.Or more properly,it detracts dramatically from the final result,if you understand what I mean.
Another and rather more useful tip is to deploy your eyeliner or lipstick and ink out the little silly bar that shows ball wear on the basis that if you can't see it wearing away,then it cannot,in fact BE wearing away.I realise that not all golfers on this site will have access to such things as the feminine articles of beauty,and with this in mind I suggest a small lump of charcoal from your cave fires will suffice just as well.
I know Ike will be irked with my revelations,and I can respect the churl so induced,but in the interests of the game as a whole entity,I think these hints and tips should properly be outted,I am astonished in fact,that to date,there is scant reference to such helpful aids to ones progress.
One final note before the penultimate introduction to my concluding this merry snippet.Left handed clubs tend to hit harder than the more regular right handed specimens,and I suspect this has more to do with the rear of the clubface striking the ball than anything else.Unless I am missing something.Also I find it extremely distracting with the club head facing into me,rather than away from me.
To wrap up then,in succinct fashion,as is my wont,I would have to say that I have forgotten what this thread is about and I wonder whether anyone else has noticed this?
In conclusion,and to be brief,please stay away from sick donkeys if you are wearing anything other than shorts with a pocket on the left buttock.Thats my advice.
Lizzie xx