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Re: Oakmont removed after update ??

Fri, Nov 10 2017 8:07 AM (99 replies)
  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 9:59 AM

    Comon Dude, do you really think that the group that gives us this game didnt think about this crap your tryin to shovel here? This is a BUSINESS! trust me, theyve thought about all this and a lot more you cant even imagine!!! Geeze, get real dude! LMBO

    Really? You choose to resurrect a five month old thread about a tapped-out subject to write a derogatory "first" post?

    Maybe whoever you were addressing that post to isn't the one that should get real.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 12:22 PM

    Comon Dude, do you really think that the group that gives us this game didnt think about this crap your tryin to shovel here? This is a BUSINESS! trust me, theyve thought about all this and a lot more you cant even imagine!!! Geeze, get real dude! LMBO

    Really? You choose to resurrect a five month old thread about a tapped-out subject to write a derogatory "first" post?

    Maybe whoever you were addressing that post to isn't the one that should get real.

    +1 Not only that but they just wanted to let us know that they are back . New account , so no way they were around for Oakmont and until they found this thread would have no clue about it .So the response is the tell all and their activity tells the rest . So welcome back whoever you are not that anyone really cares .
  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 12:40 PM

    But when my memories fail me, these revisits cause me to think of all the challenges that Oakmont offered. Then I dream of another round there. And naturally I dream of a birdie on 9, but that is never the reality. Another par, what a let down.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 1:13 PM

    I don't mind folk dredging up old threads. Maybe not for the reason stated and the suspicious nature. Anyway some fond memories. I sure hope we get a newly photographed Oakmont sometime in the future. Hope they do it in the fall again.

    I dream of a birdie on 9

    I kept count. Easy to do. For the front right pin, I had a grand total of 3 birds. two holeouts from the bunker, and a miracle putt.

    Weird thing is that I also had...



  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 1:40 PM


    Comon Dude, do you really think that the group that gives us this game didnt think about this crap your tryin to shovel here? This is a BUSINESS! trust me, theyve thought about all this and a lot more you cant even imagine!!! Geeze, get real dude! LMBO

    Hey "dude".  This being your 1 post.

    rolling laughter emoticon

    A Pro tier. Level 54. Icing on the cake - the last post on this topic was in MAY. It is now NOVEMBER. Too funny.


  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 3:46 PM

    Oakmont can still be played solo if you have the back door .  I just might know where to find it . LOL 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 6:22 PM


    Comon Dude, do you really think that the group that gives us this game didnt think about this crap your tryin to shovel here? This is a BUSINESS! trust me, theyve thought about all this and a lot more you cant even imagine!!! Geeze, get real dude! LMBO



  • LVKid
    42 Posts
    Thu, Nov 9 2017 6:43 PM

    The timing of this has absolutely nothing to do with this crap. I have a dad, a golf coach, and a brother that play this game, and have for a long time.

    This isnt rocket science here, its a money making VIDEO GAME. Your a bigger lame than you sound if you think WGT gives a *** about anything but the money and THEIR bottom line. LOL 

    PS. Ive been lucky enough to actually play Oakmont...would have been nice to see what was done with it in a video game version.

    Have a super day dude and...go pac ur shoot! LOL 

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Nov 10 2017 5:20 AM


    Oakmont can still be played solo if you have the back door .  I just might know where to find it . LOL 

    Opps! Cats outta the bag. Way to go man! 

    goodbye tears emoticon 

    (Friday humor everyone)

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Nov 10 2017 8:07 AM

    I have a dad, a golf coach, and a brother that play this game, and have for a long time.


    You write that as if it were actually relevant to anything that was posted in this thread. 


    PS. Ive been lucky enough to actually play Oakmont...would have been nice to see what was done with it in a video game version.
    You're really not paying close attention to what's been posted here. The course can still be played. You just need to know where to look for it.