Please can you put some sort of easy/quickindicator as to which tournaments you are entered in
I am in a cc where there are often lots of tournaments going on. I am usually entered into 2 ( play one round each day) . Its really annoying to have to go through the entire list to try and remember which one I am playing in.
Just a flag, or a highlight - and/or, even better, also order then with regards to how long till the next round finishes. ( I know just now that they are at least ordered with regards to when the tournament was created. )
Also a quicker way to get to "Active Tournaments" which you are signed up for would be good. Just now I have to go
Country Club>>
Stroke Play>>
Scroll up down to find the appropriate tournaments... Its like you want to keep it a secret !! - WHY !!
Also if I go into Stroke Play section and I then want to check e,g, Bracket tournaments, the "Back" button takes me Back to the Main Screen. Please at least rename the back button to say "MAIN MENU" or something. Or change the "Back" button to take you Back to the previous screen. A bit like what most other "Back" buttons do in other applicarions?
While I am on my rant - why do you bother showing me tournaments which I am not able to take part in (e.g. the round 1 start date has expired, or my level does not permit me to take part ,etc. Perhaps an option to "Show All" could be put on ?