you know the situation your in multiplay its a fourball your playing partners are all taking their 90 seconds to hit their shots. 5 minutes later yes you guessed it, its deja vu we go through the same senario again play your shot wait 90 secs and another 90 secs and another 90 secs. hopefully everybody is on the green if not ,yes you got it, start the clock. 10 or so minutes to get on the green and its only the first hole and you all have to hole out, more time. up to 15 mins now only 17 more holes to go. i think you get the picture.
This is virtual golf so why do we have to wait like real golf for everybody to tee off. welcome to;-
Player Linked Intergrated Match = PLIM
Everybody tees off at the same time, everybody is under the same 90 second clock.
it would work like this. i tee off, i only see my shot and watch it land and stop i then wait for my three playing partners to do the same when the last one tees off and the ball come to a rest. i then see a 10 second replay of their shots in order of distance from the hole. whilst i'm watching their shots they watch mine and the other two players shots. total time 90 secs + 10 +10 + 10 max = 2 minutes thats more that halved the playing time. this continues till everyone is on the green it then reverts back to single player single clock so you can chat and soak up the drama of putting out on the green.