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Re: Alternate Play Driving

Tue, May 10 2011 10:29 AM (3 replies)
  • mountainview
    40 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 8:12 AM

    After playing a lot of Alternate play games, it seems to me that it would be more fair if everyone drove from the same default tees or, at least, the person starting the game selected the tees for all to play. 

    The reason...As a legend, I find my non-legend partners are suffering from my short drives, as they are unaccustomed to hitting their second shots from so far back in the fairway.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 9:42 AM

    I rather like them getting a taste of Legend golf. It shows the real ability of that partner and also affords him/her a chance to learn something (not to mention affording you the chance to make impossible legendary shots!)  ;-)


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 9:57 AM

    as a tour pro who plays a round with any rated player i see my drives with callaway balls fall short of a good hack with a good ball. to me this is real.  more so than everyone using the same tee.  if we all used the same tee there would be even larger differances in the results, and might spark a handicap type of control to level the playing field.  the differant tees, and differant green speeds seem an easy way to do this."  don't need no badges"  keep it the way it is.  my nickles worth.


  • mountainview
    40 Posts
    Tue, May 10 2011 10:29 AM

    Maybe it would be more appropriate with players in the legend, tour masters, and masters level, then.