Think he may have just become bored of it all. You dont reallly see him responding much when folk question this game, a little, but not lots.
Possibly sees some names miraculously apppearing at the top of leaderboards and RGs and has had enough.
I for one would never believe he would cheat, but instead feel he maybe fed up with those that do.
I believe you could well be correct here Bubbs. When you see some of the scores being posted for example in the US Open Tourney at Erin Hills, it does make you wonder.
The cheats ( and despite denials from some, they are here, what methods/programmes they are using is a matter of conjecture also ) and the multi accounters are the ruin of this game. But WGT does not make a real effort to eradicate them for financial reasons mostly.
The result is that fine players who are 100% genuine walk away and the whole game is the poorer for it. FMags is not the first and will not be the last.