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Re: WGT suggestions

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jun 12 2017 11:38 AM (2 replies)
  • WaltMiller77
    2 Posts
    Sun, Jun 11 2017 2:42 PM


    Look, I absolutely LOVE this game! And I would really like to see it improved but in the right way. I have a few suggestions below for improvement and the different categories to offer improvement. I know I would spend more and be even more addicted than I am

    1) Event Tournaments(Tier dominant)

    i love playing the tournaments, especially the ones created for the particular tier level someone is in, the problem I have though is there is almost 0% chance to even get close to winning an ALL tier tourney like these. At least the first 70 or so levels anyway.

    I feel there should always be tier tourneys for EVERY tournament. (Referring to Event tournaments here) I mean, why not? The game would be more competetive, fair, and people would have fun knowing that, at least, they are playing with a level playing field. Why would a good player...not a average... even play those tourneys? 52s 53s etc... cmon guys? Why not have the same tourney but one for each tier. I guarantee you, more people would stay longer and play longer because the competition and chance to win is greater.

    We should reward hard work, practice, patience, green reading, strategy, etc... not reward those of level 100 with $1000 clubs?! I guess I'm saying, why would a legend or lvl 100 want to play with hacks, amateur s and the like? wheres the fun and competition in that? Just very annoying.

    2) Bracket Tourneys (Tier dominant)

    Now here WGT should take advantage of the huge market of players enjoying this by offering way more and a better variety.

    Think about make have a certain player out there who is itching to play a money bracket tourney, but all they see are ALL (why? Everything so be tier wise), and then they look at the scores...yeah they are not going to play many of those at all. It would be suicide.

    What I am suggesting is many different denominations of bracket tournaments based on tier levels. Something like very low (to get those itching to play but not spend 100 or more at first) like 25.....all the way to 1000 or so. At least as it stands now, there are a couple of tier based money brackets.


    i would really like to see Skins matches on All types of play

    coins, credits, brackets, ready to go, fiends matches and event tourneys.

    that would be sooooo awesome and fun! Also, the competition would be great, especially if we keep things in tiers....which is about the only thing keeping me playing.

    ive Worked hard and as a pro beat a legend before..but it's just so far and few between that your customers will lose interest, or withdrawal bc there is just no chance (like the lottery)

    something like a Skins match where players can select a vouch amount (either coins/credits, whatever) would gain new customers, keep existing customers and help with the Withdrawals issues.

    4) Big pet peeve of mine....(we cannot gift already owned clubs, and balls!?)

    We buy our credits, win our credits, etc... we SHOULD have the ability to then use them to gift other players things, give them coins, etc... not gift meaning purchase and gift. I mean, that's all fine and good as well, but what about gifting a ball set that we are too high of a level to make use of anymore and just want to reward someone we played with. Or perhaps clubs, coins, credits even?

    my biggest issue is that if I own a few clubs, or have upgraded clubs, I can only sell them (at a terrible rate). We need it be able to gift them to others, or maybe even put them up for a skins match or something?

    like I say, these are just suggestions...but I truly believe if you tackle these issues you'll have even more players and more spending overall.

    5) Coins Tourneys

    Let's have coin tourneys and Have coins mean something more! Skin game coin matches. Challenge someone to a closet to the hole and win coins.

    its a good concept, but maybe some more evolving of this concept.

    6) Practice

    i would like to see the ability to choose the particular holes and course for practicing? Seems like it wouldn't be a big deal and would add a lot to the game. Those who care and want to get better are limited somewhat or inconvenienced at getting the player in the right position to take a shot you'd like to practice.

    Lets have a Chip/Pitch/Flop practice area

    7) Flexible courses

    Lastly, have practice and any challenges/applicable event have the ability to select how many holes to play, which holes to play etc.... doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to enable this option.

    then a player could practice the holes chosen


    my two cents...Walt 

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Sun, Jun 11 2017 11:18 PM

    1) most WGT tournaments, like the weeklies and monthlies, ARE tier orientated. Even the Coveted VT tournaments are (BTW, why don't we hear of them any more in the news etc.?). Most prominent exception is the current VUSO event, and this one is destined to bring up the MASTER OF THE WGT UNIVERSE.

    Looking at rewards, you may understand that this business loves to reward spendings more than skills. It's a capitalist world!

    4) Mind you that we don't own the equipment. We have but a limited license to use the software, and it's non-transferable. Read the T&Cs!

    6&7) They gave us mulligans at a certain cost. More optinons would add to the programming costs and reduce revenue. And, it doesn't take as much time as in RL to repeat a game, and it adds to revenue by our grind. Go figure...

    In one word: Dream on!

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Jun 12 2017 11:38 AM



    6) Practice

    i would like to see the ability to choose the particular holes and course for practicing? Seems like it wouldn't be a big deal and would add a lot to the game. Those who care and want to get better are limited somewhat or inconvenienced at getting the player in the right position to take a shot you'd like to practice.

    Lets have a Chip/Pitch/Flop practice area



    my two cents...Walt 

    It is possible to practice a single  hole by hovering on WGT Community and then clicking on Golf Courses.  All the free 18 hole courses come up.  Select one and it will open where you can pick any 1 hole for practice, but only from the Red Tees with low wind and standard green speeds.